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Countries Namíbia related News


Displaying 61 - 72 of 98
12 Agosto 2019
WINDHOEK – /Khomanin Traditional Authority Chief Juliane Gawa!Nas has demanded that the government avail Daan Viljoen Game Park, Namib Naukluft Park and farm Bona as communal land for her community. Gawa!Nas made this appeal during a hearing of the Presidential Commission into Claims on Ancestral…
22 Julho 2019
INVESTIGATIONS into the claims of ancestral land by the commission of inquiry established by the government may not necessarily lead to restitution for the dispossessed communities. The deputy minister of information Engel Nawatiseb made these remarks in a statement issued last week. While…
16 Julho 2019
WINDHOEK – The Presidential Commission into Claims on Ancestral Land Rights and Restitution yesterday told President Hage Geingob that there is strong opposition to the proposed sale of Namibia’s biggest privately-owned game reserve, Erindi. Some communities have called for the sale to be put on…
12 Junho 2019
THE government will introduce strict verification mechanisms to control the ownership of residential land in informal urban areas. The director for land reform and resettlement, Peter Nangolo, said the government will not allow people to own more than one primary residential property in the high-…
8 Março 2019
WINDHOEK - There is a need to look at ways on creating avenues that would result in more women occupying roles in traditional authorities. This would address some of the social ills women in rural areas are experiencing because of laws that do not necessarily favour women.  This is according to…
4 Outubro 2018
WINDHOEK - According to the latest updated statistics, there are 308 informal settlements in Namibia with a staggering 228 000 shacks accommodating about 995 000 people in urban areas. This was revealed by Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia’s national facilitator Edith Mbanga, who says this means…
4 Outubro 2018
"O ritmo atual da reforma agrícola não é satisfatório", disse o Presidente da Namíbia, Hage Geingob, no início da Segunda Conferência de Terras da Namíbia, na segunda-feira (01.10). "O princípio das expropriações deve ser analisado cuidadosamente", afirmou.   As suas declarações levantaram a…
1 Outubro 2018
O Presidente namibiano, Hage Geingob, lançou hoje o debate nacional sobre uma futura reforma agrária, destinada a corrigir as desigualdades herdadas da época colonial, ao afirmar que o país deve analisar "cuidadosamente" a expropriação de terrenos agrícolas. Há consenso que o sistema de compra e…
26 Setembro 2018
Twenty-eight years after independence, wealth in Namibia is still skewed along racial lines laid down in the colonial period. The level of inequality is one of the highest in the world, according to the World Bank. Land distribution plays a big part in keeping this pattern of inequality in place…
28 Agosto 2018
A Namíbia iniciará em Outubro as negociações sobre expropriação de terras em todo o país, pela primeira vez desde a independência, para por cobro às tensões políticas e étnicas sobre a transferência de riqueza para a maioria da população negra. O facto foi anunciado neste domingo pelo Presidente da…
10 Julho 2018
  O HER Voice Fund está buscando candidaturas para o Subsídio de Meninas e Adolescentes (AGYW - siglas em inglês) para Influenciar a Política em Seu País. O HER Voice está distribuindo financiamento no valor de USD 2000 para atividades destinadas a influenciar os processos políticos. Os fundos…
7 Maio 2018
BONN, Germany (Landscape News) — The devolution of land tenure rights to forest-dwelling communities over the past quarter century has led to the development of entrepreneurial initiatives with substantial positive socio-economic outcomes for livelihoods, according to a leading scientist. Through…