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Countries Somália related News


Displaying 49 - 60 of 60
25 Maio 2020
The LAND-at-scale programme got a great response to the second call for ideas. The programme received 25 new ideas from 19 different countries. Support continues for enhancing land governance and tenure security. This is evident in the response and effort from embassies, NGOs and knowledge…
26 Abril 2020
Estão abertas inscrições para o Prêmio GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, que é uma competição pan-africana de jovens empreendedores (as) inovadores (as) que buscam a oportunidade de financiamento de projetos no setor agroalimentar no continente Africano.   As inscrições serão julgadas para premiar dois…
13 Abril 2020
A praga de gafanhotos na Etiópia provocou danos em 200.000 hectares de plantações e deixou um milhão de pessoas em uma crise alimentar, anunciou Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO).   Bilhões de gafanhotos, em enxames que pode atingir um tamanho equivalente ao da…
7 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND Land governance across borders or transnational land governance looks at rule making, standard setting and institution building across borders. Empirically, one can see a variety of patterns of regulatory governance emerging. The studies commissioned by IGAD in 2016 reviewing the of land…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND The “Improving Land Governance in IGAD Region” project aims at facilitating implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, in order to facilitate access to land and security of land rights for…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND Land governance across borders or transnational land governance looks at rule making, standard setting and institution building across borders. Empirically, one can see a variety of patterns of regulatory governance emerging. The studies commissioned by IGAD in 2016 reviewing the of land…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND: The “Improving Land Governance in IGAD Region” project aims at facilitating implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, in order to facilitate access to land and security of land rights for…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND: Land governance across borders or transnational land governance looks at rule making, standard setting and institution building across borders. Empirically, one can see a variety of patterns of regulatory governance emerging. The studies commissioned by IGAD in 2016 reviewing the of…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND: Improved performance on land policies, in terms of formulation and implementation, is required for IGAD to deliver on cooperation among Member States. IGAD through this project with the Swedish Embassy seeks to improve the performance of the land administration function in the IGAD…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND Land governance across borders or transnational land governance looks at rule making, standard setting and institution building across borders. Empirically, one can see a variety of patterns of regulatory governance emerging. The studies commissioned by IGAD in 2016 reviewing the of land…
6 Novembro 2019
BACKGROUND Land governance across borders or transnational land governance looks at rule making, standard setting and institution building across borders. Empirically, one can see a variety of patterns of regulatory governance emerging. The studies commissioned by IGAD in 2016 reviewing the of land…
8 Julho 2019
Somali women are challenging social norms and navigating male-dominated property market in hope that, one day, they will have security that comes with owning a place of their own OHANNESBURG, July 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In the hallway of a large, brick-face apartment block in…