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Countries Américas related News


Displaying 121 - 132 of 144
20 Janeiro 2020
A Van Tienhoven Foundation é uma pequena fundação que faz doações com base nas propriedades de Pieter Gerbrand van Tienhoven.   A Fundação Van Tienhoven para a Proteção Internacional da Natureza tem como objetivo promover a proteção, conservação e uso sustentável dos ecossistemas e dos organismos…
20 Janeiro 2020
“Vou continuar até quando meu corpo resistir. Estamos unidos para defender o povo e a terra”, declarou Raoni, em entrevista à Amazônia Real   Por quatro dias, a aldeia Piaraçu, na Terra Indígena Capoto Jarina (MT), tornou-se o centro do mundo para 45 povos indígenas. Cerca de 600 lideranças…
8 Julho 2019
No entanto, a manutenção das terras agrícolas esconde uma "extensão de terras cultivadas" compensada por uma "diminuição das pastagens", diz FAO   A agricultura utiliza quase 40% das terras do planeta, das quais 70% são pastagens, um nível que deve permanecer estável nos próximos dez anos, de…
4 Julho 2019
Three agreements laid groundwork for possible future land claims, reparations and centuries-long grievances for Métis nations Growing up as member of Alberta’s Métis community, Audrey Poitras was always acutely aware of the unique struggle her people faced. The Métis are one of Canada’s Indigenous…
20 Junho 2019
O congresso conjunto XXIV IGC e XI IRC será realizado em Nairóbi, Quênia, de 25 a 30 de outubro de 2020. O tema do congresso é “Uso sustentável de prados e recursos de pastagem para melhoria dos meios de vida”. O objetivo do congresso será promover o intercâmbio de informações científicas e…
22 Abril 2019
For Indigenous peoples across the Americas, urgent threats imposed by the industrial extraction of natural resources has characterized the 21st century. The expansion of industry has threatened Indigenous territories, cultures and sovereignty. These industries include: timber and pulp extraction, …
23 Janeiro 2019
The TZK'AT Network of Ancestral Healers of Community Feminism from Ixmulew in Guatemala was formed in October 2015 to defend Indigenous women's rights and the land. Many of its members are healers, midwives, and herbalists. An article in La Agroecología notes (in Spanish) that TZK'AT analyzes…
22 Janeiro 2019
The Chilean delegate recognized that there's still a long way to go and regretted Catrillanca's murder by Carabineros. Delegations from U.N. member states recommended that Chile should stop discriminatory practices against the Mapuche and other indigenous peoples in the South American country,…
22 Janeiro 2019
Residents of the northern highlands of Nicaragua were typically overlooked by modern infrastructure development. The Association of Rural Development Workers has changed this, securing access to electricity and clean drinking water for local people for the first time. Today the association is also…
19 Janeiro 2019
A recent Rights and Resources report provides strong evidence on the importance of recognizing and protecting indigenous rights towards mitigating forest-based emissions and curbing global warming. As a Ph.D. student coordinating the third round of data collection of CIFOR’s Global Comparative…
18 Janeiro 2019
The Caracol Industrial Park forced 4,000 Haitians from their land using earthquake reconstruction money. Nine years after the earthquake, farmers organised and negotiated a package of land and jobs. The ninth anniversary of Haiti’s devastating earthquake in 2010 holds new meaning for the nearly 4…
17 Janeiro 2019
With the world's third largest prison population, Brazil's jails are overcrowded and violent but there are mounting concerns the situation is worse for indigenous inmates DOURADOS, Brazil - The plight of jailed indigenous Brazilians looked unlikely to change under President Jair Bolsonaro,…