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Countries Américas related News


Displaying 133 - 144 of 144
16 Janeiro 2019
Indigenous jurisdiction is at the centre of the dispute over the Coastal GasLink pipeline. The same is true of the Trans Mountain expansion. In both cases, the corporations involved have misunderstood or misrepresented the risks associated with jurisdictional uncertainty. The Coastal GasLink…
16 Janeiro 2019
Activists fight to stop construction of the Bayou Bridge pipeline, which endangers an ecosystem that is one of the most important bird habitats in the western hemisphere Deep within the humid green heart of the largest river swamp in North America, a battle is being waged over the future of the…
14 Janeiro 2019
We are prepared, we won’t back down or give up the rights we have conquered, much less hand over our territory so that Bolsonaro and his coronéis [old land elite] can carry out the plan they’ve hatched,” declared the Articulation of the Indigenous People of Brazil (APIB), one of the country’s…
12 Janeiro 2019
TARTAGAL, Argentina , Jan 12 2019 (IPS) - Nancy López lives in a house made of clay, wood and corrugated metal sheets, on private land dedicated to agriculture. She is part of an indigenous community of 12 families in northern Argentina that, like almost all such communities, has no title to the…
3 Janeiro 2019
IXTLÁN DE JUÁREZ, Mexico, Jan 3 2019 (IPS) - “I dream of a healthy, sustainable, well-managed forest,” says Rogelio Ruiz, a silviculturist from southern Mexico, who insists that “we have to clean it up, take advantage of the wood, and reforest.” These activities are essential for the ecosystem,…
24 Dezembro 2018
Uruguay - The results are dispiriting, if not unsurprising: a systematic review of the available literature has found that the socioeconomic impacts of large-scale tree plantations have been mostly negative for local people. Intensively managed, large-scale tree monocultures now make up roughly 1…
6 Setembro 2018
A Universidade de Harvard é detentora de 300 mil hectares de terras agrícolas no Piauí e na Bahia, no cerrado brasileiro, o que equivale, aproximadamente, a 300 mil campos de futebol. Para burlar a legislação brasileira a universidade americana, por meio de seu fundo patrimonial, mantém uma cadeia…
27 Agosto 2018
A Cultural Survival tem o prazer de anunciar a Chamada para propor projetos para o Fundo Keepers of the Earth (KOEF). O KOEF é um fundo de pequenas doações que apóia o desenvolvimento comunitário baseado em comunidades indígenas. Esses subsídios têm apoiado projetos liderados por indígenas na…
17 Julho 2018
Até o ano de 2050, a degradação de terras pode gerar um deslocamento interno de 143 milhões de pessoas. Segundo a Convenção das Nações Unidas para o Combate à Desertificação, essas pessoas terão que se mudar para fugir da falta de água e queda na produção de alimentos causados pelos impactos…
14 Março 2018
An international conference, organised by the Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI), will take place in The Hague from 16-17 March 2018. Authoritarian populism is on the rise, boosted by support from rural areas. The conference examines why, and explores the alternatives: the social and…
By: Amy Lieberman  Source: devex Date: 7 November 2016   More than 1 billion people on the planet lack secure rights to the land they rely on for their livelihood, a problem that has long been recognized as an obstacle to economic development in the poorest parts of the world. Now,…
By: Mary Catherine O'Connor Date: 14 January 2017 Source: The Guardian  The outdoor industry is leading the fight to protect America’s public lands from being developed for gas and oil. tah, a state rich in epic landscapes and national parks, is becoming ground zero for a fight between the…