As a memorial to the third world forestry congress
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting symbol/code: FO:LACFC/2015/Inf.3
Session: Sess. 29
A medium size report that comments on the overall situation of data on forest resources in Gambia. It is composed of nine parts including the following topics: forest classifications, statuses of Gambian forests, land use shifts, degradation of forests, forest categories, forest management, wildlife management and forest uses and related issues. A large number of tables are given.
Tout au cours de l'histoire, les forts ont t estimes pour l'abondance des biens qu'elles prodiguent: produits de subsistance et produits d'change, aliments, remdes, pices, rsines, gommes, latex, gibier, bois de feu et, naturellement, bois d'uvre avec tous ses drivs. Les textes foisonnent d'exemples de commerce international de produits forestiers remontant pour beaucoup des milliers d'annes. Il est d'ailleurs intressant de noter que ces changes portaient davantage sur les rsines, les huiles et les pices que sur le bois.
The current issue of Unasylva takes a long look at the relationship of forestry with food security, and asks the question, ''How can forestry development programmes and activities become as relevant as possible in ensuring economic and physical access to food by all people at all times?" In the lead article, M. Hoskins sets out the actual and potential contributions of forestry to food security, and suggests practical strategies for the incorporation of food security components in forestry development activities.
Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (of the CGRFA) - ITWG-FGR
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/WG-FGR-3/14/2
FAO is conducting a series of regional and sub-regional workshops as part of the preparatory work for the country reporting to the Global Forest Resources Assessment update 2005 (FRA 2005). These regional workshops respond to requests made by many member countries during the global training session held at FAO Headquarters in Rome in November 2003.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
This country report covers the overall situation of wood products in the Republic of Congo. Among the topics discussed are those of current statistics available in the country related to exploitation of forest resources, their economic value, their consumption and export. The report also mentions the different institutions involved in collecting information in the country as well as the weaknesses and strengths of the system.
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
A discussion of the status of forestry in the South Pacific nations, with an overview by country followed by a treatment of the overall resource base, the state of wood industries and the current trends in policy and legislation.