Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2001 6
Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (of the CGRFA) - ITWG-FGR
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/WG-FGR-3/14/4
A discussion of the status of forestry in the South Pacific nations, with an overview by country followed by a treatment of the overall resource base, the state of wood industries and the current trends in policy and legislation.
En la 10.a edición de El estado de los bosques del mundo se desarrolla una verdad fundamental: los bosques, la actividad forestal y los productos forestales contribuyen de forma decisiva al desarrollo sostenible. El estado de los bosques del mundo se publica cada dos años. A lo largo de la historia, la deforestación ha acompañado el desarrollo económico. El concepto de desarrollo sostenible surgió y evolución dentro de la ciencia forestal fundamentalmente en respuesta a la deforestación.
Now, nearly 30 years after the publication of The tragedy of the commons, the negative experiences of governments with expropriation of common property resources have led to a reexamination of the potential of collective management; and there is a growing database of information on practical experiments with the restoration or strengthening of common property resource management systems. This issue of Unasylva focuses on both these aspects with respect to forest resources.
The initial Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS) drew together the myriad forestry dimensions to provide a coherent description and analysis of the situation and prospects for forestry in the region. The study resulted in 50 working papers on a variety of forestry themes. The formal aspects of the study culminated in a comprehensive main report, published in November 1998. APFSOS provided an important roadmap for forestry sector development in the Asia-Pacific region to 2010, which is still being used to guide policy makers in the region today.
An international review of forestry and forest products
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/6.2
Session: Sess. 23
This country paper determines the main influences on the forestry sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo and tries to predict the state of forestry by 2020 given current trends.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires