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There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to ordenamento do território on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2329 - 2340 of 5057

Regional Law No. 113-ZZK “On land-use planning”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes the composition of land-use planning documentation that must contain mapping of the territory, copy of decision of land expropriation (including bail out), land reservation for public and municipal needs, mapping of the boundaries of land servitude, and project documentation containing graphic maps.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 1220-ZZK amending Regional Law No. 113-ZZK “On land-use planning”. (2015-07-21)

Regional Law No. 290-OZ “On land-use planning documentation”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of elaboration and submittal of land-use planning documentation by the competent bodies of local self-government. Decision-making related to land-use planning projects shall be made (or rejected) by the competent body within ten days from the date of submittal of land-use planning documentation.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 766-OZ amending Regional Law No. 290-OZ “On land-use planning documentation”. (2015-07-22)

La Vision «Burundi 2025»

National Policies
África Oriental

La Vision «Burundi 2025», élaborée sur la base d’une approche participative et d’un consensus national, est un nouvel instrument de planification du développement à long terme, qui va guider les politiques et stratégies en matière de développement durable. La Vision « Burundi 2025 » ambitionne de mettre le Burundi sur la voie du développement durable à l’horizon 2025. La Vision «Burundi 2025» vise l’instauration de la bonne gouvernance dans un Etat de droit, le développement d’une économie forte et compétitive, et l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des burundais.

Agreement between the Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the People’s Republic of Hungary on cooperation in the sphere of regional development land use planning.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europa Oriental
Europa Ocidental

The Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic in the interests of cooperation in the sphere of regional development and land use planning, in particular as far as the areas close to the common border are concern, have agreed to establishes to this end a Joint Commission being responsible for suggestions and recommendations in the subject-matter The text consists of 7 articles.

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the First Nation of Little Salmon/Carmacks and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Ta'an Kwach'an Council Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the Ta'an Kwach'an Council and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Teslin Tlingit Council Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the Teslin Tlingit Council and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the First Nation of Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Carcross/Tagish First Nation Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the Carcross/Tagish First Nation and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework for a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement.

América do Norte

The present Agreement among the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon establishes the framework of a modern First Nation Government. In particular, the Agreement provides for the power to enact laws of a local or private nature on settlement land and for many aspects of the citizens' lives (marriage, adoption, education, administration of estates, etc.).