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There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to ordenamento do território on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2449 - 2460 of 5057

Local Government (Exemption from Building and Land Use Permit) Regulations (GN No. 250 of 2015).

África Oriental

These Regulations, made by the Minister under sections 117(2A) and 162 of the Local Government Act, exempts a person who intends to carry out a classified trade from applying for a Building and Land Use Permit, provided that the activities in relation to that trade — (a) do not require — (i) the construction or demolition of a building; or (ii) extensive alterations, additions or repairs to an existing building; and (b) do not result in specified nuisances. "Classified trade" includes, among other things, self-employed manufacturer of food items and retail sale of food.

National Land Policy of Sierra Leone.

National Policies
Serra Leoa
África Ocidental

The Final National Land Policy (NLP) of Sierra Leone provides the vision, principles and policy components to give direction to and definition of the roles and responsibilities of various government and customary authorities, and other non-state actors, in land management. Specifically, it enunciates policy statements in respect of the key components of the National Land Policy such as access to land and tenure, land use, regulation and the management of special land issues, land administration structures, land laws and the Constitution.

Planning and Environment (2013 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2016 (R&O.164/2015).

Europa Setentrional

This Order amends the High Hedges (Application Fee) (Jersey) Order, the Planning and Building (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008, the Waste Management (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008 and the Plant Health (Field Inspections – Fees) (Jersey) Order 2014. The Planning and Building (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008 are amended by substituting for the table in Schedule 1 a new table. The table sets out fees for proposed development including agricultural and horticultural buildings and appeals against refusal to grant a planning permission.

Amends: Waste Management (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008. (2010-01-01)

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order 2010 (S.I. No. 654 of 2010).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 in relation to England only. The amendments concern, among other things: powers of local authorities pursuant to the principal Order to give directions so as to apply a specific planning permission required for development of a specified class in the area to which the direction applies; the procedure relating to such directions; other planning permissions; and other development.

Amends: Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (S.I. 418 of 1995). (1995-02-22)

Decision No. 86/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Lak province up to 2020.

Sudeste Asiático

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Dak Lak province.The master plan aims at bringing into play the province’s potential and advantages, especially human, capital, land, forest and hydraulic resources and minerals, for accelerating economic and labour restructuring.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; development of water supply, drainage and irr

National Land Policy.

National Policies
Santa Lúcia

Land is and will remain a primary asset for national development, performing multiple social, economic, ecological and cultural functions. In our vision, land, including both terrestrial and marine areas, will contribute to economic development in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, trade, manufacturing and other sectors. It will also provide the space for all Saint Lucians to live and shelter, it will contribute to food security for the nation and good nutrition for all its citizens.

Bumbuna Watershed Management Authority and the Bumbuna Conservation Area Act (No. 6 of 2008).

Serra Leoa
África Ocidental

This Act establishes the Bumbuna Watershed Management Authority and constitutes the Bumbuna Conservation Area.The object for which the Authority is established is to promote sustainable land use practices and environmental management in the Bumbuna Watershed, to protect the flora and fauna in the Bumbuna Conservation Area and to protect the Bumbuna reservoir.The Authority shall be a body corporate and be managed by a Board.

Loi n°1-16 du 25 Mai 2015 portant modalités de transfert de compétences de l’Etat aux communes.

África Oriental

La présente loi définit la nature des compétences propres à la commune (collectivité territoriale décentralisée) et celles transférées à elle par l'Etat.Ces compétences portent sur à l'administration et à l'aménagement du territoire; le foncier, au développement économique, éducatif, social, sanitaire ainsi qu'à la protection et à la mise en valeur de l'environnement et de l’assainissement; la lutte contre la pollution; la protection des ressources naturelles notamment des forêts, des sols, de la faune, de la flore, des ressources hydrauliques, des nappes phréatiques et contribue à leur mei

Federal Law No. 191-FZ amending Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 1997 "On denomination of geographical objects".

Europa Oriental

Article 1 shall be supplemented with the following wording “standard denomination of geographical object shall be considered the name mostly used in the written form in the language of original in which it is used.”

Amends: Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 1997 "On denomination of geographical objects". (1997-12-18)

Settled Land Act 1884.


This Act, consisting of 58 sections divided into 15 Parts and completed by one Schedule, establishes measures for facilitating sales, leases, and other disposition of settled land, etc. Under the Act, “settlement” includes “an instrument or instruments which under this Act or the corresponding previous enactments is or are deemed to be or which together constitute a settlement, and a settlement which is deemed to have been made by any person or to be subsisting for the purposes of this Act”, what constitutes a settlement is defined under section 8.

Acuerdo Nº 30 - Reglamento Operativo del Sistema de Apoyos Económicos para el Programa Nacional de Vivienda Social.

América do Sul

El presente Acuerdo expide el Reglamento Operativo del Sistema de Apoyos Económicos (SAV) para el Programa Nacional de Vivienda Social, que tiene como objetivo facilitar a los hogares ecuatorianos de bajos ingresos y vulnerables, situados en cualquier parte del país, el acceso a una vivienda en condiciones de habitabilidad y servicios básicos, indispensables para una vida digna.

Physical Planning Act (No. 8 of 2010).

África Oriental

This Act establishes the Town and Country Planning Board and provides for establishment of District physical planning committees, Urban physical planning committees and Local physical planning committees. The Act also provides for approval, etc. of national and regional physical development plans and for authorization and control of development.The Board shall, among other things, advise the government on all matters relating to physical planning and hear and determine appeals lodged by persons or local governments aggrieved by the decision of any physical planning committees.