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There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to ordenamento do território on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2473 - 2484 of 5057

Commission for Land and Environment Act, 1989 (Act No. 6 of 1989).

África Oriental

The Commission is established under section 3 as a body corporate. It shall be the principal advisory and executive organ of the Government on all matters related to land use and conservation of the environment and shall formulate policies, act as co-coordinator of activities in the fields concerned and serve as a channel between bodies acting in the fields concerned and the government (sect. 4). Furthermore, the Commission shall develop standards formulate legislation and carry out all other functions listed in section 4.

Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2010.


These Regulations amend the Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Regulations in provisions concerning: licences for dealers, registration of dealers, and fees for development. They also insert a new regulation 5A on conditions to e complied with by a developer who wishes to have discharged from any land a charge that has been executed and lodged with the Registrar of Titles in favour of the Real Estate Board.

Amends: Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Regulations. (2005)

Administrative Order No. 1 of 2010 making Local Governments to adopt in planning activities the Guidelines for mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Subnational Development and Land Use/Physical Planning.

Sudeste Asiático

This Administrative Order, consisting of 5 sections, makes Local Government Units, particularly Provinces to adopt in planning activities the Guidelines for mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Subnational Development and Land Use/Physical Planning. It establishes that the Local Government Units (LGUs), particularly provinces, are directed to adopt and use the DRR Guidelines to enhance natural disaster risk reduction efforts in the local development planning process.

Instruction No.1 of 2012 laying down rules and procedures for obtaining construction permits for high risk energy-related buildings and for the establishment of the evaluation commission.

Europa meridional

This Instruction lays down rules and procedures for obtaining construction permits for high risk energy-related buildings and provides for the establishment of the commission responsible for the evaluation of the applications and the issuance of permits. The preliminary examination of the applications is handled by the designated unit at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy after the payment of required fees while the final decision is taken by the Evaluation Commission whose tasks and rules of procedure are provided for in the Instruction.

Instruction ministériel invitant le ministères, administrations et institutions étatiques à appliquer la recommandation de la Commission Régionale Sarre-Lor-Lux-Trèves/Palatinat Occidental concernant l'information mutuelle et l'harmonisation des plans ...

Europa Ocidental

La susdite recommandation consiste en 8 articles et 1 annexe énumérant des projets que doivent faire l'objet d'un échange d'informations et d'une harmonisation, dans la mesure où il relève de l'aménagement du territoire et a, ou est susceptible d'avoir, des répercussions notables sur l'espace frontalier ou une partie importante de celui-ci. Les installation liées entre elles géographiquement ou sur le plan technique sont considérées comme une seule unité.

Physical Planning Act.

África do Sul
África austral

This Act provides for physical planning in South Africa at national and local level. It assigns functions to the Minister of Regional and Land Affairs for achievement the objects of this Act and grants power to the Minister to divide the Republic into two or more development regions and to divide a development region into two or more planning regions. The Minister shall ensure that physical planning is promoted and coordinated on a national and regional basis.

Law amending the Law on privatization of state agricultural land (shortened procedure).

Macedónia do Norte
Europa meridional

This Law amends certain provisions (procedural matters) part of the Law on privatization of state agricultural land (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia 87/2013).Changes are part of the amended simplified (shortened) procedural matters aimed to make the Law and its related field more accessible.The adoption of this amending Law will also provide for a longer period for payment of the purchase price for the purchase of agricultural land in state ownership if the selected bidder is an individual.

Amends: Law on privatization of state agricultural land. (2013-05-20)

Ley Nº 9/1989 - Ley de Valoración del Suelo de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer una regulación clara de las valoraciones urbanísticas, evidenciando la universalidad de las reglas de valoración según los conceptos de la Ley sobre Régimen del Suelo y Ordenación Urbana, valor inicial y urbanístico, aplicables a todo tipo de situaciones, con independencia tanto del carácter rústico o urbano de los terrenos, como de la existencia o no de figuras de Planeamiento.

Revocado por: Ley Nº 2/2006 - Ley de Suelo y Urbanismo. (2006-06-30)

Loi nº 07-06 relative à la gestion, à la protection et au développement des espaces verts.

Norte de África

La présente loi a pour objet de définir les règles de gestion, de protection et de développement des espaces verts dans le cadre du développement durable, pour atteindre les objectifs suivants: améliorer le cadre de vie urbain; d’entretenir et d’améliorer la qualité des espaces verts urbains existants; de promouvoir la création d’espaces verts de toute nature; de promouvoir l’extension des espaces verts par rapport aux espaces bâtis; de faire de l’introduction des espaces verts, dans tout projet de construction, une obligation prise en charge par les études urbanistiques et architecturales

Ordinance amending the Building Ordinance.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Building Ordinance of 22 September 2009. In particular, the Ordinance amends, inter alia, article 67 dealing with authorization on behalf of the competent authority for use of public soil. Moreover, the Ordinance amends Annex 4. The text consists of 4 Annexes.

Amends: Building Ordinance. (2012)

Loi n°2004-001 du 1er juin 2004 relative aux Régions.

África Oriental

La présente loi détermine les principes généraux relatifs aux Régions.Elle détermine, entre autres les domaines de compétence de la région, notamment l'établissement de schéma régional d'aménagement du territoire (eau et assainissement); l'établissement d'un programme-cadre et/ou plan régional de développement; le cadrage et à la programmation des actions de développement d'envergure régionale en matière d’aménagement hydro agricole, la pêche, l’élevage, la gestion des environnements; la mise en œuvre, à son échelon, d'actions et mesures appropriées en matière de gestion des risques et des