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There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to ordenamento do território on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2701 - 2712 of 5057

Planning and Development Regulation 2008.


This Regulation implements the Act making provision for the planning of the Australian Capital Territory and the management of land in the Territory. The text of this Regulation consists of 410sections which are divided into 10 Chapters, i.e.: Preliminary (I); Strategic environmental assessments(II); Development approvals (III); Environmental impact statements and inquiries (IV); Leases generally (V); Concessional leases (VI); Controlled activities(VII); Reviewable decisions (VIII); Bushfire emergency rebuilding (IX); Miscellaneous(X).;

Law on spatial information and official land survey (Spatial Information Law).

Europa Ocidental

The present Law enforces the Federal Spatial Information Act of 5 October 2010. The Law lays down provisions relating to the enforcement of federal legislation in the field of geographic information and the collection, management and use of spatial data for the area of the Canton Luzern. Furthermore, the Law creates conditions for a cantonal spatial data infrastructure.

Amendment of the Law on Preserving the Land Use of Farms and Gardens.

Sudoeste Asiático
Ásia Meridional

This Law, which consists of 8 articles, is codified to amend and add a number of supplementary provisions to the Law of 21 June 1995 on Preserving the Land Use of Farms and Gardens. The main rules of the afore-mentioned Law on Preserving the Land Use of Farms and Gardens remain unchanged and some detailed regulations have been amended or added by this Law. In particular, the Law adds 6 articles (articles 7 to 12) to the said Law. Accordingly, providing that any public service and infrastructure in farms and gardens may be allowed only after official authorization for land use change.

Acuerdo Nº 640 - Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 60, Estatuto Orgánico por Procesos del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP).

América do Sul

El presente Acuerdo modifica el Estatuto Orgánico por Procesos del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), creando el Viceministerio de Acuacultura y Pesca, como responsable de la gestión estratégica en la aplicación de las políticas y el control de la actividad de pesca y acuacultura, a fin de lograr la preservación y manejo sustentable de los recursos pesqueros y acuícolas en todo el territorio nacional.

Enmienda: Acuerdo Nº 60 - Estatuto Orgánico por Procesos del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP). (2009-04-22)

Regional Law No. 1585-V amending Regional Law No. 601-III “On land”.

Europa Oriental

Article 12.2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plot or plots of land, indicated in land-use planning scheme or on cadastre map of the territory, shall be formed as a result of consolidation of land plots pertaining to various land categories, except for cases envisaged by the federal legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 601-III “On land”. (2009-07-13)

Ley Nº 41 - Ley General de Ambiente. Texto refundido.

América Central

La presente Ley establece que la administración del ambiente es una obligación del Estado y, por lo tanto, define los principios y normas básicas para la protección, conservación y recuperación del ambiente, promoviendo el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales. Además, ordena la gestión ambiental y la integra a los objetivos sociales y económicos, a efecto de lograr el desarrollo humano sostenible en el país.

Decision No. 1064/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region through 2020.

Sudeste Asiático

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region through 2020. The plan has the following objectives: ensure consistency with sectoral master plans; tap and bring into the fullest play all resources so as to attract development investment; expand markets, bolster exports; and boost economic development in a fast, effective and sustainable manner.

Foreshore Development (Amendment) Act 2013 (No. 17 of 2013).


This Act amends the Foreshore Development Act with respect to, among other things: consent of Minister required for foreshore development and lapse of consent; powers of an enforcement officer (defined by this Act); registration of existing developments; offences; Minister’s power to make Regulations. The Schedule to the principal Act is repealed.

Amends: Foreshore Development Act (Cap. 90). (2006)

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of North ...

Europa Oriental

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed on the following: 1)The relations between State Bodies of the Russian Federation and State Bodies of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the present Treaty.

Loi n° 06-063 du 29 décembre 2006 portant modification de la Loi n° 97-026 du 20 mai 1997 régissant la profession de Géomètre Expert.

África Ocidental

La présente loi modifie les dispositions des articles 2 et 3 de la loi n° 97-026 du 20 mai 1997 régissant la profession de Géomètre Expert.Aux termes de l’article 2 (nouveau), le Géomètre Expert procède en son nom et sous sa responsabilité au cours les opérations qu’il entreprend dans le domaine foncier, notamment les opérations topographiques de foncier et de cadastre ; la matérialisation des limites des biens fonciers, les opérations techniques ou aux études se rapportant aux travaux cadastraux et de lotissement, à l’évaluation, au partage, à la fusion ou à la mutation des biens fonciers.