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Displaying 121 - 132 of 668

Shelter Cluster y Derecho a la Vivienda, Tierra y Propiedad en la Provisión de Alojamiento

Reports & Research
Julho, 2016
Costa Rica

Presentación de Anna Pont, Shelter Cluster Americas, durante la Reunión de Expertos en Gobernanza Responsable del Suelo y Seguridad de Tenencia en América Latina y Caribe, realizada en San José, Costa Rica, en Julio de 2016. Shelter Cluster y Derecho a la Vivienda, Tierra y Propiedad en la Provisión de Alojamiento Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights Within the Provision of Shelter Assistance

Concept Note Experts Group Meeting “Concepts, Contexts, and Solutions for Responsible Land Governance, and Secure Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Reports & Research
Julho, 2016
Costa Rica
República Dominicana

Concept Note of the Experts Group Meeting "Concepts, Contexts, and Solutions for Responsible Land Governance, and Secure Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean", held in San José, Costa Rica, in July 2016. The aim of the study is to generate recommendations for partnerships, collaboration, and action to advancing responsible governance, and land tools for access to and secure land tenure, and contribute to the effective implementation of the New Agenda Urbana in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

Gestión Territorial Comunitaria, experiencias en las comunidades de las tierras altas de Bolivia

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2008

Este texto muestra cómo las comunidades de hoy están ante el desafío de emprender un papel protagónico en la constitución del Estado nacional y de su propio desarrollo con las autonomías indígenas originarias campesinas y para ello están poniendo en práctica sus mecanismos de resolución de conflictos, normas e instituciones para, de esta manera, esclarecer y consolidar sus derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra.

Smallholders and land tenure in Ghana: Aligning context, empirics, and policy

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2015
África Ocidental
África subsariana

For decades, policymakers and development practitioners have debated benefits and threats of property rights formalization and private versus customary tenure systems. This paper provides insights into the challenges in understanding and empirically analyzing the relationship between tenure systems and agricultural investment, and formulates policy advice that can support land tenure interventions. We focus on Ghana, based on extensive qualitative fieldwork and a review of empirical research and policy documents.

Experiencias productivas autogestionadas en pueblos indígenas

Training Resources & Tools
Outubro, 2008

Documento realizado para la Reunión Técnica Internacional Comunidades Indígenas, Tierra, Desarrollo e Institucionalidad: Experiencias en América Latina. El estudio pretende, a partir del análisis de experiencias en Chile, levantar posibles APRENDIZAJES y RECOMENDACIONES para contribuir al diseño de estrategias, políticas y metodologías de apoyo al desarrollo de ECONOMIAS INDIGENAS. Cuenta con una sistematización de experiencias chileanas: 1. Autogestionadas por integrantes de pueblos indígenas. 2. Con ressultados favorables desde la visión de sus participantes. 3.

Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature?

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Across the world, ‘green grabbing’ – the appropriation of land and resources for environmental ends – is an emerging process of deep and growing significance. The vigorous debate on ‘land grabbing’ already highlights instances where ‘green’ credentials are called upon to justify appropriations of land for food or fuel – as where large tracts of land are acquired not just for ‘more efficient farming’ or ‘food security’, but also to ‘alleviate pressure on forests’.

The Formalization Fix? Land titling, state land concessions, and the politics of spatial transparency in contemporary Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

In a widely read paper, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, World Bank and others propose systematic property rights formalization as a key step in addressing the problems of irresponsible agricultural investment. This paper examines the case of Cambodia, one of a number of countries where systematic land titling and large-scale land concessions have proceeded in parallel in recent years.

Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2015

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Myanmar’s agricultural sector has for long suffered due to multiplicity of laws and regulations, deficient and degraded infrastructure, poor policies and planning, a chronic lack of credit, and an absence of tenure security for cultivators. These woes negate Myanmar’s bountiful natural endowments and immense agricultural potential, pushing its rural populace towards dire poverty. This review hopes to contribute to the ongoing debate on land issues in Myanmar.

The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

PUBLISHER'S ABSTRACT: This report discusses the political, economic and social opportunities and constraints that will influence the design and implementation of REDD+ in Vietnam. In particular, four major direct drivers (land conversion for agriculture; infrastructure development; logging (illegal and legal); forest fire) and three indirect drivers (pressure of population growth and migration; the state's weak forest management capacity; the limited funding available for forest protection) of deforestation and degradation in Vietnam are discussed, along with their implications for REDD+.