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Displaying 349 - 360 of 366

Determining Land Management Zones Using Pedo-Geomorphological Factors in Potential Degraded Regions to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2019

The proper delineation of site-specific management zones is very important in the agricultural land management of potentially degraded areas. There is a necessity for the development of prospective tools in management plans to correctly understand the land degradation processes. In order to accomplish this, we present a pedo-geomorphological approach using soil texture, land elevation and flow vector aspects to distinguish different management zones and to discretize soil micronutrients. To achieve this goal, we conducted the study in the Neyshabur plain, Northeast Iran.

An Assessment of Multiple Drivers Determining Woody Species Composition and Structure: A Case Study from the Kalahari, Botswana

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2019

Savannas are extremely important socio-economic landscapes, with pastoralist societies relying on these ecosystems to sustain their livelihoods and economy. Globally, there is an increase of woody vegetation in these ecosystems, degrading the potential of these multi-functional landscapes to sustain societies and wildlife. Several mechanisms have been invoked to explain the processes responsible for woody vegetation composition; however, these are often investigated separately at scales not best suited to land-managers, thereby impeding the evaluation of their relative importance.

Applying Text Mining for Identifying Future Signals of Land Administration

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2019

Companies and governmental agencies are increasingly seeking ways to explore emerging trends and issues that have the potential to shape up their future operational environments. This paper exploits text mining techniques for investigating future signals of the land administration sector. After a careful review of previous literature on the detection of future signals through text mining, we propose the use of topic models to enhance the interpretation of future signals.


Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Este artigo possui o objetivo de analisar, criticamente, a ação extensionista promovida na defesa dos direitos étnicos e territoriais da comunidade quilombola de Queimadas, no procedimento administrativo para a certificação da desconformidade do empreendimento minerário denominado “Projeto Serro”, à legislação de uso e ocupação do solo do Município do Serro.


Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019
América do Sul
A intenção dos integrantes na publicação desta coletânea é construir uma contribuição científica ao debate da “questão ambiental” no Brasil e alguns de seus desdobramentos, buscando interferir abertamente no referido debate, oferecendo primeiramente uma visão ampla, histórico-conceitual da “questão ambiental” e, na sequência, subsídios mais específicos: acerca dos fundamentos constituintes do movimento ambientalista em suas origens; de expressões contemporâneas da “questão ambiental” no Brasil; dos desdobramentos da participação brasileira hoje na economia e mercado mundiais, que se

Discursos sobre o Regime de Propriedade da Terra em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2017
África subsariana
Os discursos e posicionamentos sobre o regime de propriedade da terra em Moçambique não são coincidentes. Este artigo apresenta as percepções que os diferentes stakeholders (Estado, Comunidades locais, sector privado, Investidores, Sociedade Civil, etc.) envolvidos na relação com a terra possuem em relação à questão fundiária no País, sobretudo no atual contexto marcado pelo grande fluxo de projetos de investimento, de investidores nacionais e estrangeiros, com interesses no agronegócio, na exploração mineira e exploração de hidrocarbonetos. 

Soil Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Kozetopraghi Catchment, Iran: A Mixed Approach Using Rainfall Simulator and Data Mining Techniques

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2020

Soil erosion determines landforms, soil formation and distribution, soil fertility, and land degradation processes. In arid and semiarid ecosystems, soil erosion is a key process to understand, foresee, and prevent desertification. Addressing soil erosion throughout watersheds scales requires basic information to develop soil erosion control strategies and to reduce land degradation. To assess and remediate the non-sustainable soil erosion rates, restoration programs benefit from the knowledge of the spatial distribution of the soil losses to develop maps of soil erosion.

In search of factors determining the participation of farmers in agri-environmental schemes – Does only money matter in Poland?

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
Estados Unidos

The growing awareness of the negative impact of agriculture on the natural environment creates social expectation towards the reduction of this impact through the pro-environmental activities of farmers. Agri-environmental programmes are one of the key instruments of EU agricultural policy aimed at encouraging farmers to do so. Due to their voluntary nature and involvement of farmers in these activities, there has been a scientific discussion for a long time on the factors determining the participation of farmers in these programmes.

Understanding environmental, health and economic activity interactions following transition of ownership in gold mining areas in Tanzania: A case of private to public

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2018

Mining is an important source of revenue for many developing countries, however, the social, environmental and economic impacts of mining are often poorly monitored. The recent transition of a gold mine in Western Tanzania—from large-scale gold mine under private, multinational ownership, to medium-scale public and national owned mine with limited life length offers a prime opportunity to understand the implications of changes in ownership and scale on the local economy and community well-being.

Cumplicidade e Destruição IV

Reports & Research
Julho, 2021
América do Sul

A quarta edição do relatório Cumplicidade na Destruição, realizado em parceria entre a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil e a Amazon Watch resgata brevemente a trajetória da mineração de larga escala no Brasil, em especial seu histórico de avanço sobre os povos indígenas, e destaca o novo ímpeto que a atividade ganhou durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Rios contaminados, florestas devastadas, comunidades inteiras sem acesso à água – quando não foram destruídas ou levadas pela lama tóxica.