Os novos trabalhadores rurais do Alentejo: entre a esperança e a discriminação
Há quase um ano, algumas famílias, já sem condições de suportar a pesadíssima cruz do aluguel e lutando pra sobreviver, ocuparam um grande terreno abandonado, localizado na divisa de Belo Horizonte com Ibirité, no bairro Marilândia. Nascia assim a Ocupação Professor Fábio Alves. Aos poucos, foram chegando mais e mais famílias, pela mesma necessidade de moradia. Em outubro, já eram quase 500 famílias e, atualmente, a Ocupação conta com 712 famílias cadastradas.
The First Arab Land Conference took place in Dubai early last week, from the 26-28 February. The first of its kind, it gathered land experts from across the region and beyond, in what was a fruitful and long overdue event in the region. For those of us just returning from the three-day event, we know that there was no lack of key and empowering messages, as well as carefully thought-out and innovative ideas for the way forward. If we take a moment, however, to get down to the fundamentals and to find one take-away, it would most likely be the following: each and every one of us has a rig
From the 26-28 of February, 2018, the First Arab Land Conference, organized by UN Habitat, the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, the League of Arab States, the Arabian Union for Surveying and the Dubai Land Department took place in Dubai. Taking place in one of the most quickly developed parts of the region, the palpable enthusiasm felt throughout the event was because it truly was the first of its kind. No other conference has yet brought together land experts from around the Arab world.