Land in post-conflict settings related Blog post | Land Portal
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28 Fevereiro 2024
Gemma Betsema

The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HIIL) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a new collaboration for complementary LAND-at-scale activities in Iraq. Activities focus on justice innovation and support: by scouting, vetting, selecting and supporting promising local and existing justice initiatives in Northern Iraq, HIIL aims to strengthen the localization of justice solutions for Iraqi people.

Reflections on land rights from Aspen Seminar
13 Fevereiro 2024
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

What I learned about land rights from people who don't work in land rights

Land administration in isolated, rural areas of Colombia
7 Fevereiro 2024
Nicholas Parkinson
América Latina e Caribe

The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity  is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.

Woman topographer proves land surveyors are not limited to men.
18 Outubro 2023
Nicholas Parkinson
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

Como uma agrimensora em um escritório de terras rural na Colômbia superou desafios para se encontrar em uma carreira dominada por homens.

Benguela, Angola, october 2007_photo by Carlos Ebert_FLICKR creative commons
6 Agosto 2021
Allan Cain
África austral


By Allan Cain, Development Workshop Angola

* This article was originally published as part of the online discussion on customary law in Southern Africa

Delivering Land Titles on Facebook Live in Colombia
7 Maio 2021
Nicholas Parkinson
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

A Colombian Mayor surprises her constituents with land titles and uses live video and social media to spread civic messages about formalizing land tenure


Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, took the world on a digital tour of her town. On Monday last week, Mancera’s team went live on Facebook, while walking door-to-door to deliver registered property titles to dozens of neighbors living in Fuentedeoro’s urban center.

Foto: AFP / BBC News Brasil
18 Dezembro 2019
Estados Unidos
Governo Trump muda posição americana, em decisão que foi elogiada por Netanyahu e criticada por lideranças árabes; entenda por que essas comunidades estão no centro das discussões israelo-palestinas.
Uma mudança significativa de posicionamento dos EUA voltou a colocar em debate, no âmbito internacional, os assentamentos israelenses em territórios reivindicados pelo povo palestino.
15 Novembro 2019
Mr. Kgolagano Mpejane

It has been decades since Africa’s independence, and the peasants (rural land cultivators) are still suffering. How did Africa ignore the agricultural sector, after the peasants ushered the continent’s independence? Agriculture has become Africa’s “sunset” sector making the continent the most impoverished region, with over 70% rural poverty, heavy dependence on donor food aid valued at over US$ 51 million annually and high rates of unemployment.  At least Africa is now embarking on agrarian reforms after years of neo-colonialism.    


9 Novembro 2018

By Amber Rouleaucommunications officer for African Women Rising.

Read the orignial version here.

SANTA BARBARA, California, USA, Nov 8 2018 (IPS) - While its conflict ended in 2007, Northern Uganda struggles with its legacy as one of the most aid-dependent regions in the world.

3 Junho 2019

June 3, 2019

By Wim Zwijnenburg

Read the original blog here.


In early May 2019, it was reported that agricultural areas of central and northern Iraq were being set ablaze — allegedly by remaining pockets of fighters from the so-called Islamic State.

23 Abril 2018

First global benchmark for measuring and reporting land information aims to improve tenure security and enable fair compensation

The potential for conflicts related to large-scale land acquisitions could be cut down significantly if seven key pieces of information are included in every property transaction, land professionals say.



The Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement (ACDS) works primarily within three thematic areas: social need, the Centre’s network and experience, and a business nexus to pressing social challenges and their solutions in Africa.​

ADC services respond to the needs of business and the community for confidence in the efficient resolution of disputes through best-practice ADR

Belun was established in 2004 to prevent conflict and facilitate community capacity development in Timor-Leste. Belun’s work is grounded in the vision of a society that has the ability, creativity and criticalthinking to strengthen peace for development. Belun has grown to become one of the largest National nongovernment organisations in Timor-Leste and has engaged with over 100 non-government (NGO) and community-based organization (CBO) partners, .

Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting ( is a regional analytical, informational and educational platform for Central Asia. Its mission is to develop expert and journalistic analytics, provide training on new media, and provide analytical support for broad social processes in the countries of the region.

This mission is implemented through the following areas:

El Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica es un establecimiento público del orden nacional, adscrito al Departamento para la Prosperidad Social (DPS), que tiene como objeto la recepción, recuperación, conservación, compilación y análisis de todo el material documental, testimonios orales y los que se obtengan por cualquier otro medio, relativo a las violaciones ocurridas con ocasión del conflicto armado interno colombiano, a través de la realización de investigaciones, actividades museísticas, pedagó

Centro para la Accion Legal en los Derechos Humanos (CALDH) was founded in 1983 to challenge impunity in Guatemala and preserve the memory of the country's violent past. CALDH represents victims of gross human rights violations committed during the armed conflict before the courts, provides legal advice and representation to current human rights defenders, and supports the strengthening of local organisations and victims’ groups, particularly women survivors.

Civil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern Uganda (CSOPNU) is a coalition of more than 50 Ugandan and international non-governmental organisations working with women, men and children affected by the northern conflict.
CSOPNU believes that the needs and rights of people affected by the conflict must be central to the debate about northern Uganda.

The Commision Nationale des Terres et Autres Biens was established recently by the Government of Burundi to address widespread conflicts relating to land and other properties that have arisen following Burundi’s independence 45 years ago. 


For most Burundians, land is both history and livelihood. In a densely populated country where almost nine out of 10 citizens are subsistence farmers, land ownership is a desperate need and a flashpoint for conflict exacerbated by ethnic cleavages and waves of migration and return. 

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Cordaid works to end poverty and exclusion. We do this in the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected areas as well as in the Netherlands.

We engage communities to rebuild trust and resilience and increase people’s self-reliance. Our professionals provide humanitarian assistance and create opportunities to improve security, health care and education and stimulate inclusive economic growth.

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E-cadernos CES (E-cadernos CES)

A e-cadernos CES é uma publicação semestral com arbitragem científica (double-blind peer review), editada pelo Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra desde 2008, que visa promover a divulgação de investigação avançada produzida no âmbito das ciências sociais e humanas, privilegiando perspetivas críticas e inter/transdisciplinares.

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