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Without knowledge of the local context, investing responsibly in land & agriculture is challenging.  Tools and guidelines have been developed to guide private sector actors on how to invest responsibly and how to take proper account of legitimate community land rights, but there is no substitute for practical experience of dealing with tenure issues and the challenges on the ground. This page provides an overview of lessons learned from recent responsible land investment pilot projects. 

Highlighted Tools & Resources

Analytical Paper Series

Analytical Paper Series

Analytical papers published between 2015 and 2019 on relevant issues, including: Land legacy issues, Community Legal Empowerment, the Role of Development Finance Institutions, Land and Corruption, Inclusive agribusiness, and a comparison of the VGGT principles and the IFC safeguards. Read more about it here.
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Key thematic lessons from practical experience

The LEGEND Challenge Fund supported a set of pilot projects with civil society and business partners in 2016-2019 to test responsible approaches to agricultural land investments in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Read more about the eight key lessons derived from these and other pilot projects:

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