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Respecting legitimate land rights means that a company needs the explicit consent of the groups and individuals affected to access and use their land access their land, and that fair and open negotiations with the specific rights holders affected are needed.

Highlighted Tools & Resources

Landesa “Free, Prior and Informed Consent”

Landesa “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” (FPIC) Primer

This guide developed by Landesa is directed at companies seeking information on implementing FPIC principles in their operations to safeguard the land rights of project-affected communities. Explore this primer here.
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The LEGEND pilots included cases where large scale concessions were agreed by governments and traditional leaders without consulting the actual land users or establishing proper contractual arrangements for land access or benefit sharing, leading to grievances, conflict and resentment as projects were established on community lands. The companies concerned came to recognise that in practice the free prior informed consent of specific landowning families and land users, including both women and men, is an essential condition for both legal and social license to operate:

  • Consultation with chiefs, traditional leaders and authority figures is not enough, even if they have assumed powers to control the allocation of community land, and if governments say that no more is required. 
  • The Free Prior & Informed Consent (FPIC) of indigenous groups to land acquisitions is an accepted principle of international law. FPIC is widely recognized as consistent with good business practice for all communities, even if they are not considered to be indigenous:  to succeed, all land-based investments require consensual solutions negotiated with host communities and land rights holders. 

Isenção de responsabilidade: Os dados apresentados no Land Portal são fornecidos por terceiros, e indicados como fonte ou fornecedores(as) de dados. A equipe do Land Portal  está constantemente trabalhando para garantir o mais alto padrão possível de qualidade e precisão dos dados, no entanto estas informações são por sua natureza aproximadas e podem conter algumas imprecisões. Os dados podem conter erros introduzidos pelo(s) fornecedor(es) de dados e/ou pela equipe do Land Portal.  Além disso, esta página permite comparar dados de diferentes fontes, mas nem todos os indicadores são necessariamente comparáveis estatisticamente. A Fundação Land Portal (A) abdica de toda responsabilidade na precisão, adequação ou integridade de quaisquer dados e (B) não se responsabiliza por quaisquer erros, omissões ou outros defeitos, atrasos ou interrupções em tais informações, ou por quaisquer ações tomadas em função deste material. Nem a Fundação Land Portal, nem qualquer de seus fornecedores e fornecedoras de dados, será responsável por quaisquer danos relacionados no uso do material aqui fornecido.