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Submission by Pastoralists and Hunter-Gatherers Organizations in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2016

This is a stakeholder submission prepared by a coalition of 24 pastoralists and huntergatherers’ Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), forums, networks and groups. The stakeholders submission is a compilation of primary and secondary sources of information, evidence and facts collected through consultative meetings and interviews with civil society organizations, public officials and community members, experts on pastoralism as well as members of the academia.

Inauguration Ceremony of Final Record Publication and Integrated Digital Land Record System in Jamalpur Sadar Upazila

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2016

The Inauguration Ceremony of final record publication was organised by the Land project where Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim Hira, MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Land, Bangladesh National Parliament, Mr. Mesbah Ul Alam, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Land, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Shahabuddin Khan, Deputy Commissioner, Jamalpur, Mr. Md. Mozammel Hoque, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Mymensingh, Mr. Mario RONCONI, Minister Counselor, Head of Cooperation- Head of Unit, EU Delegation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Mr. Md.

The Historical Land Injustices Rules 2016

Legislation & Policies
Novembro, 2016

Article 67(2) (e) of the Constitution of Kenya mandates the Commission to initiate investigation on its own initiative or on a complaint into historical land injustices and recommend appropriate redress. To give effect to this Constitutional requirement, section 15 of the National Land Commission Act as amended by Section 38 of the Land Laws amendment Act 2016, provides the legal framework for redressing Historical Land Injustices.

Putting Rural Community on the Map

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2016

In April 2006, six international donor agencies established a program to help Mozambique’s government register community land rights and improve tenure security for rural residents. Under Mozambique’s constitution, the state owned all land. A 1997 law, adopted after a 15-year civil war, sought to recognize rural communities’ customary tenure rights while encouraging commercial investment through the issuance of 50-year leaseholds.

Panfleto do Centro Terra Viva - Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV)

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2016

O Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV) é uma instituição não governamental moçambicana, de investigação e intervenção ambiental, que congrega profissionais de diferentes áreas fundamentais para a gestão do ambiente e dos recursos naturais, com destaque para o Direito Ambiental, Conservação e Gestão Ambiental, Informação e Educação Ambiental, Economia Rural e Sociologia Ambiental.

Mozambique’s REDD+: the challenge is scaling success

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2016

The Testing REDD+ in the Beira Landscape Corridor of Mozambique initiative closed in December. Over nearly four years, a consortium of public academic and research institutions, NGOs and social enterprises, supported by the Government of Norway, has explored what drives deforestation and forest degradation. The programme trialled four interventions: to expand conservation agriculture, to make logging more sustainable, to harvest and use biomass energy more efficiently, and to promote sustainable production of an important non-timber product. We now know what works.

FAO Policy Series: Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests

Novembro, 2016

The daily food and incomes of billions of people, particularly the rural poor, are determined by their access to land, fisheries and forests. Societies decide and regulate access to these resources through systems of tenure. Paul Munro-Faure, Deputy Director and Francesco Romano, Land Tenure Officer of the FAO Partnership, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division explain how supporting responsible governance of tenure is critical to achieving food security and allowing families to invest in sustainable production. They describe the FAO policy work, including key policy messages.

Análise jurídica do processo de reassentamento - Ponte Maputo – Ka Tembe

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2016

O presente relatório debruça-se sobre o processo de reassentamento de cerca de 1200 famílias dos bairros da Malanga, Luís Cabral e Gwachene resultante da construção da ponte Maputo-Ka Tembe (enquadrada no projecto Circular de Maputo), enquanto uma das componentes essenciais para o licenciamento ambiental. O reassentamento em causa está a ser implementado pela empresa Maputo Sul, entidade que tem a responsabilidade de construir a ponte e as estradas que ligam Maputo à Ka Tembe, Ponta de Ouro, e Boane à Bela Vista.

Land Politics under Kenya's New Constitution

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016

Kenya's new constitution, inaugurated in August 2010, altered the institutional structure of the state in complex ways. The general motivation behind reform was to enhance the political representation of ordinary citizens in general and that of marginalized ethno-regional groups in particular, and to devolve control over resources to the county level. In the land domain, reform objectives were as explicit and hard-hitting as they were anywhere else.

Processo de Reassentamento em Palma: longe do direito à informação!

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2016

As comunidades a serem reassentadas e as hospedeiras, do Distrito de Palma, Província de Cabo Delgado, em consequência da implementação do Projecto de Gás Natural Liquefeito continuam na incerteza, quanto ao seu futuro. Não sabem quando deixarão suas terras para os novos lugares e nem conhecem o Plano de Reassentamento, que se diz terem aprovado e assinado. Por outro lado, por instruções de quem de direito, os lideres das comunidades abrangidas restringem quaisquer contactos de indivíduos ou grupos de pessoas visitantes, com as comunidades locais.