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Report on the development and promotion of regional strategic food and agricultural commodities value chains in Africa

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2011

This paper presents an update on an initiative by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), on the development and promotion of regional strategic food and agricultural commodities value chains in Africa. The cornerstone of the approach to the implementation of this initiative is a pilot scheme in two Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the Common Market for Eastern

Atlas de la tenencia de la tierra en el Ecuador

Manuals & Guidelines
Agosto, 2011

El "Atlas sobre la tenencia de la tierra en el Ecuador" constituye una colección de mapas que dan cuenta de la tenencia de la tierra en Ecuador: quiénes tienen acceso a la tierra, en qué magnitud, cuáles son los tipos de cultivo y en qué cantones y provincias se encuentran.
Debido al tamaño del archivo, visite este link para poder descargarlo.

Budget Analysis for ASDP and DADP Funds in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Julho, 2011

The Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP) is a Sector Programme largely implemented at the district level through the District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPs) as an integral part of the District Development Plan (DDP). The government also works at the national level through the Agriculture Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs) to deal with issues such as fertiliser subsidies, large irrigation schemes, research and development, regulation and coordination as well as quality assurance.

‘Shifting ground’

Peer-reviewed publication
Julho, 2011

In this paper, we use an actor-oriented perspective to explore the nature and extent of conflict and negotiation with regard to land use and tenure among the Iban of Sarawak. The Iban are shifting cultivators who have long been involved in smallholder cash crops.

CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems

Julho, 2011

CRP 1.1 was presented at the 4th Fund Council Meeting in April 2011. CRP1.1 targets the poor and highly vulnerable populations of the dry areas. It aims to develop technology, policy and institutional innovations to improve livelihoods, using an integrated systems approach. The program focuses on four strategic research themes (SRTs ) which cut across five focus regions. This CRP was approved with conditions at the meeting and subsequently received unconditional approval of inception phase & conditional approval of overall program & budget on Nov. 9, 2011.


Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2011
Sierra Leone

Was the civil war in Sierra Leone (1991-2002) fought for diamonds, or was it a peasant insurgency motivated by agrarian grievances? The evidence on both sides is less than conclusive. Ibis article scrutinizes the peasant insurgency argument via a more rigorous methodology. Hypotheses concerning intra-peasant tensions over marriage and farm labour are derived from an examination of the anthropological literature.

Russian Economic Report, No. 25, June 2011

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Junho, 2011
Ásia Central

Russia has seen even higher oil windfall in the past few months, which translates into likely fiscal surpluses this year and next. The government should not miss the opportunity provided by a large oil windfall to substantially improve its long-term fiscal position, further reduce inflation, and, therefore, ensure a strong basis for durable stability and healthy growth in the future. Rising domestic demand and credit activity are increasingly supporting solid growth.

Kenya Economic Update, June 2011, Edition No. 4

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Junho, 2011

Over the last decade, Kenya's society and economy have changed fundamentally and these deep trends will continue. Rapid population growth and urbanization will create many new challenges which need to be managed well to support Kenya's economic take-off in the medium-term. This fourth edition of the Kenya economic update argues that Kenya can turn the tide in turbulent times and make the most of the ongoing structural shifts.

Addressing agriculture in climate change negotiations: A scoping report

Reports & Research
Junho, 2011

This Report was developed in the context of the “Global Dialogue on Climate Change and

Agriculture,” a project facilitated by the Meridian Institute that began in August 2010. The

Meridian Institute is an internationally recognized, nonprofit organization that facilitates

neutral and independent policy dialogues and assessments. The Global Dialogue is a program

intended to provide relevant information and opportunities for productive engagement and

discussion among government negotiators, experts, stakeholders, and others involved and

Cultivar un futuro mejor: Justicia alimentaria en un mundo con recursos limitados (summary)

Reports & Research
Maio, 2011
América Latina e Caribe

El informe identifica los síntomas del sistema alimentario defectuoso: crece la población que sufre hambre, no aumenta el rendimiento de las cosechas, hay una lucha por la tierra fértil y el agua, y en los próximos años seguirán al alza los precios de los alimentos. También advierte de que hemos entrado en una nueva era de crisis donde el agotamiento de los recursos naturales de la tierra y los impactos del cambio climático, que crecen en número y en intensidad, arrastrarán a más millones de personas al hambre.

Dynamique démographique et développement rural au Burkina Faso: Des progrès grâce à la crise?

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011
Burkina Faso

Peu de pays sont plus caractérisés par la migration et ses répercussions que le Burkina Faso. Au cours des 40 années qui ont suivi l’indépendance, la moitié de la population a fait l’expérience de la migration, qu’il s’agisse de migration transfrontalière de main-d’œuvre (essentiellement vers la Côte d’Ivoire) ou d’une réinstallation permanente dans le pays même (d’une zone rurale à une autre).