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Gap Assessment on Capacity Building in Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana, Mali And Senegal

Dezembro, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Project builds on the initiatives and achievements under the CGIAR Research Program on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Africa. With a focus on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies and on climate information services (CIS), the AICCRA project includes an important capacity development component for the benefit of six (6) countries in Africa.

Institutional gender mainstreaming in small-scale irrigation: lessons from Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2022

Achieving gender equality in irrigation can result in greater production, income, and job opportunities for both men and women smallholder farmers from diverse social groups, while building climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ethiopia, national irrigation agencies, donors, and researchers have been assisting project implementers to mainstream gender issues into the planning and implementation of irrigation programs.

Mapping Policy Actors for Enhanced Engagement Towards Agroecology Transition: Case of Tunisia

Dezembro, 2022

In this brief, we explore the food system actors (FSAs) of the one CGIAR initiative in Tunisia , from a policy engagement lens. We particularly want to explore the level of policy influence of all food system stakeholders engaged within the initiative in 2022 and 2023. Stakeholder engagement here can be of different forms ranging from attending key consultation meetings, to trainings and capacity development, etc.

African climate processes, actors and institutions: What this means for farmers

Dezembro, 2022

The overall objective of the study is to outline and unpack climate change processes and identify important actors and institutions at national, regional, and global levels and their specific roles in curbing climate change. This study is aimed to establish how farmers’ organizations can engage, collaborate, build partnerships, cooperate, and act with synergy in promoting awareness and recognition of farmers issues.

Ethiopia National Dairy Development Strategy 2022–2031

Dezembro, 2022

Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa. According to a CSA (2021) livestock sample survey, the country possesses 70.3 million cattle, 42.9 million sheep, 52.5 million goats and 8.1 million camels. The livestock sector contributes about 45% of the agricultural GDP, 18.7% of the total national GDP, and 16–19% of the total foreign exchange earnings of the country (Behnke and Metaferia 2011). In Ethiopia, dairy production depends mainly on indigenous livestock genetic resources of cattle, camels and goats.

Capacity development workshop on Anticipatory Action

Dezembro, 2022
Sri Lanka

To enhance disaster management strategies in Sri Lanka, crucial change from reactive to proactive approach is important. Anticipatory Action, a proactive approach, involves early risk identification, monitoring, and preparedness measures. Establishing an Anticipatory Action framework requires collaboration and awareness among relevant agencies. A comprehensive two-day residence training program, designed by World Vision Lanka (WVL) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), aimed to equip government agencies with skills to develop Anticipatory Action protocols.

Development of an Anticipatory Action Plan for drought hazard in Sri Lanka

Dezembro, 2022
Sri Lanka

This report underscores the escalating threat of climate disasters to global populations, emphasizing the heightened vulnerability of Sri Lanka, an island nation susceptible to diverse climate-related hazards. With floods, landslides, droughts, cyclones, and other extreme events on the rise due to climate change, the inevitability of future disasters looms large. Urgent proactive measures are imperative to address this pressing issue, as the population is ill-prepared to handle severe consequences without comprehensive and anticipatory strategies.

Stakeholder Analysis: Prospects for Effective and Sustainable Implementation of Innovation Packages, Achieving Initiative's Immediate Results and Outcomes in Mali

Dezembro, 2022

This report aims to provide a structured analysis of a stakeholder assessment related to
sustainable animal productivity for livelihoods, nutrition, and Gender Inclusion in Mali. This
analysis is part of the CGIAR initiative SAPLING, with the primary goal of understanding and
identifying the role of various stakeholders, their potential contributions, and avenues for
collaboration to ensure the successful implementation of SAPLING’s innovation packages
(IP) and the desired outcomes of the initiative. This work aims at: i) Identifying wich relevant