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High-Speed Rail

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2010
Ásia Oriental

A high-speed rail service can deliver competitive advantage over airlines for journeys of up to about 3 hours or 750 km, particularly between city pairs where airports are located far from city centres. One suitable type of corridor is that which connects two large cities 250-500 km apart. But another promising situation is a longer corridor that has very large urban centres located, say, every 150-300 km apart. On these longer corridors, typical of some being built in China, high-speed rail has the ability to serve multiple city-pairs, both direct and overlapping.

Community-based Adaptation

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2010

The Development Marketplace 2009 focused on adaptation to climate change. This paper identifies lessons from the Marketplace and assesses their implications for adaptation support. The findings are based on: statistical tabulation of all proposals; in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis of the 346 semi-finalists; and interviews with finalists and assessors. Proposals were fuelled by deep concerns that ongoing climate change and its impacts undermine development and exacerbate poverty, migration and food insecurity.

Modeling for Watershed Management

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2010

Watershed management problems are usually quite diverse, and involve a wide range of biological, geological, chemical, and physical processes with complex human, social, and economic contexts. The working note seeks to show that computer modeling allows us to better organize, test, and refine our thinking about watershed management problems and potential solutions.

Private Providers of Climate Change Services

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2010

Man-made climate change is affecting water infrastructure in all regions of the world, affecting large numbers of people in their daily life and the development of their societies. As part of the World Bank Water Anchor's analytical and advisory work on water and climate change, consultants have investigated how private sector services to infrastructure may address the challenges related to climate change while, at the same time, improving development opportunities for people.

Water and Climate Change

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2010

Adaptation to climate impacts on groundwater resources in developed and developing countries has not received adequate attention. This reflects the often poorly understood impacts of climate change, the hidden nature of groundwater and the general neglect of groundwater management. Many developing countries are highly reliant on groundwater. Given expectations of reduced supply in many regions and growing demand, pressure on groundwater resources is set to escalate. This is a crucial problem and demands urgent action.

Honduras: efectos del cambio climático sobre la agricultura

Reports & Research
Junho, 2010

En el presente estudio se analizan algunos de los efectos potenciales del cambio climático sobre el sector agropecuario hondureño. En particular se evalúan las variaciones en la producción y sus  efectos económicos en los próximos años y hasta 2100. Además de presentar resultados para el sector en su conjunto, se examinan ciertos subsectores incluyendo algunos de los cultivos más importantes del país. También se evalúan los efectos sobre los ingresos de los agricultores hondureños.

Guatemala: efectos del cambio climático sobre la agricultura

Reports & Research
Junho, 2010

Como respuesta al mandato de la Cumbre Presidencial Centroamericana sobre Cambio Climático de mayo de 2008, la Sede Subregional de la CEPAL en México está implementando el proyecto La Economía del Cambio Climático en Centroamérica con las Autoridades de Ambiente, los Ministerios de Finanzas/Hacienda, la Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) y la Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) con el financiamiento del Departamento para el Desarrollo Internacional (DFID) del gobierno británico.

Sustainable Land Management for Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Junho, 2010

The climate change (CC) caused by increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), can be addressed through adaptation and mitigation strategies. Adaptation consists of strategies which minimize vulnerability to CC. The objective is to increase resilience of the ecosystems and communities through adoption of specific sustainable land management (SLM) techniques that have adaptive benefits. On the other hand, the goal of mitigation strategies is to enhance soil and vegetation (land) sinks for absorbing atmospheric CO2 and to minimize net emissions.

Eau et adaptation au changement climatique

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

Le groupe des pays en développement est celui qui est le plus gravement menacé par les conséquences hydrologiques du changement climatique mondial. L'eau, qui constitue une ressource essentielle pour le développement, est affectée par le changement climatique de multiples manières complexes : variations de température et élévation du niveau des mers, changements intervenant au niveau de l'abondance des précipitations et fonte des champs de neige et des glaciers.

Comment les petits exploitants peuvent-ils réagir au changement climatique ?

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

L'eau est un bien précieux dans les régions semi-arides du Rajasthan, en Inde. En outre, le changement climatique exerce une pression supplémentaire sur les ressources rares. Des précipitations irrégulières, voire inexistantes, obligent un grand nombre de petits paysans à abandonner au moins temporairement leurs champs, afin de chercher du travail dans les villes.

L'élevage et l'environnement

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

L?élevage et la commercialisation d?animaux utiles permettent d?assurer quotidiennement la subsistance de plus d?un milliard de personnes. Mais aussi essentiels qu?ils soient pour l?alimentation, le revenu et la santé, ces systèmes d?élevage tropicaux peuvent autant altérer qu?améliorer les ressources en terres et en eau et génèrent, comme tous les systèmes d?élevage partout dans le monde, des gaz à effet de serre, qui contribuent au réchauffement climatique.