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Genomic analysis of resistance to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in CIMMYT maize lines

Dezembro, 2021

The recent invasion, rapid spread, and widescale destruction of the maize crop by the fall armyworm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith)) is likely to worsen the food insecurity situation in Africa. In the present study, a set of 424 maize lines were screened for their responses to FAW under artificial infestation to dissect the genetic basis of resistance. All lines were evaluated for two seasons under screen houses and genotyped with the DArTseq platform.

Capacities and needs assessment of gender research in CGIAR

Dezembro, 2021

"In November 2020, CGIAR commissioned Michigan State University’s Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) to conduct a capacities and needs assessment (CNA) to determine, with the participation of stakeholders throughout CGIAR and (to a lesser extent) the broader agricultural research for development (AR4D) network, how the GENDER Platform could best strengthen the capacities needed to achieve the Platform’s desired outcomes. Four overarching questions guided the CNA:
• What is quality gender research?

Genetic identity, epidemiology and management of faba bean (Vicia Faba L.) gall disease in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

Ethiopia is the world’s second largest producer of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and the crop has largest share of area and production of all pulses grown in Ethiopia. Faba bean is valued for its source of protein, income, and animal feedstock, and an important rotational crop. However, its current productivity is very low due to an emerging faba bean gall (FBG) disease and other biotic constraints. Initially, FBG disease-causing pathogen remained unconfirmed, but it was assumed to be caused by Olpidium sp.

Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization and Design of Community-Based Breeding Programs for Two Indigenous Goat Populations of Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

The aim of the dissertation was to undertake phenotypic and genetic characterization and design community-based breeding programs for two indigenous goat populations in Ethiopia, namely Arab and Oromo. The dissertation was based on five manuscripts. Papers I, II, IV and V were based on data generated from production system, morphological characterization and ranking experiments. Paper III was based on whole genome data generated from three indigenous goat populations (Arab, Fellata and Oromo).

Factors influencing the implementation of agroecological practices: lessons drawn from the Aba-Garima watershed, Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

The challenges to agroecological transitions are not the same for all farmers and implementation of agroecological practices in different locations could yield different results. With this consideration, this study was conducted in Aba-Garima watershed in northwestern Ethiopia to characterize the structure and activities of farming households and assess factors influencing the implementation and sustainability of agroecological practices. Data were collected from 218 households, 16 key informants, and 12 focus group discussions.

Relatório: Sistema de alerta de desmatamento em terras indígenas com registros de povos isolados

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021
América do Sul

No último boletim SIRAD I de 2021, apresentamos os resultados do mape amento de desmatamento detectados durante este período dentro dos territórios dos povos isolados. O ritmo de desmatamento descreceu em 15 % em relação ao ano passado, entretanto não temos motivos parar comemorar, pois as causas/motores que incentivam a invasão ilegal dessas terras continua forte. A maioria dos alertas de 2021 se concentraram dentro das Terras Indígenas Piripkura, Uru- Eu-Wau-Wau, Arariboia e Munduruku.

LDN in Armenia

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Armenia is a landlocked country in the South Caucasus. After gaining independence from the former Soviet Union, a very difficult socio- economic situation developed in Armenia, with a current high level of poverty. Land privatization has led to excessive land fragmentation and a small average farm size. Most of the country (87 percent) is mountainous with a vertical zonation of diverse landscapes. Armenia is hotspot of biodiversity in the region, facing human and climate induced land degradation. Water erosion affects most forest and croplands across the country.

Youth Engagement in Land and Ecosystem Restoration

Peer-reviewed publication
Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro, 2021

Land and ecosystems lay the foundation of the economy and the wellbeing of society. 85 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion young people live in regions that are directly dependent on land and natural resources for sustenance. Land degradation is a youth issue that threatens current and future generations’ quality of life. Young people are increasingly becoming eco-anxious about threats to their environment and the possible impacts there may be for future generation.

Une écologie de l’alimentation

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2021

Repenser nos alimentations, c’est repenser nos sociétés. Car partager un repas et même faire ses courses sont des moyens de se relier aux autres. La façon de nous nourrir construit notre santé. Nos modes de production agricole façonnent nos paysages et définissent notre place dans la nature. Gérer des ressources pour produire, pour transformer et pour distribuer les aliments fonde nos économies. Nos registres du comestible, nos cuisines et nos manières de table racontent nos cultures.

Rapport 2021 sur l'écart entre les besoins et les perspectives en matière d'adaptation aux changements climatiques

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2021
Afrique centrale
Europe orientale

 La sixième édition du Rapport 2021 sur l'écart entre les besoins et les perspectives en matière d'adaptation aux changements climatiques : la tempête qui se lève, examine comment le monde s'adapte à ces impacts croissants.

Le rapport constate qu'il est urgent d'augmenter le financement de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Les coûts d'adaptation estimés dans les pays en développement sont cinq à dix fois supérieurs aux flux actuels de financement public de l'adaptation, et le fossé du financement de l'adaptation se creuse.