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Securing Grassroots Women Land Rights Through Socio-Cultural Changes

Dezembro, 2021

The Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa endorsed through the adoption of the African Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges by the African Heads of States in 2009 is having “a strong gender component which aims at “strengthening security of land tenure for women which require special attention” and “ensuring that land laws provide for equitable access to land and related resources”.

Flooding And Population Health In The Commune Of Sèmè-Podji In Benin: Case Of Agblangandan And Ekpè Districts

Dezembro, 2021

Context and background: Flooding is one of the most feared consequences of climate change. It is one of the most devastating scourges on the planet today. The year 2010 was marked by a perceptible disruption of the rainfall regime in almost every corner of the globe. In Benin, as in many African countries, the rains of 2010 have caused floods with devastating consequences on all levels (social, economic, environmental, health, etc.).

Land And Culture As Symbols Of Remembrance, Ancestry, Rituals And Initiations The Case Of Kihamba, Kyungu And Kifunyi Among The Chagga Of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Dezembro, 2021

Kyungu[1] and Kifunyi[2] are revered places for any Chagga family. It is located within a Chagga Kihamba and is believed to be the origin or first settlement of the clan, marked by the presence of a significant tree and traditional Chagga sacred plant—isale. Within the Kyungu and Kifunyi landscapes, one finds a scatter of material remains, including potsherds, bones, bottles and pieces of clothes. These material cultures and local narratives signify spiritual practices, rituals and remembrance ceremonies around the Kyungu and Kifunyi area.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Kenya

Dezembro, 2021

This Environment and Social Management Pan (ESMP) has been developed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Kenya.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Mali

Dezembro, 2021

This Environment and Social Management Pan (ESMP) has been developed by AfricaRice to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Mali.

The comparative performance of land sharing, land sparing type interventions on place-based human well-being

Dezembro, 2021

Environment-facing interventions impact the distribution, use of and access of natural resources and have important implications for all dimensions (material, relational, quality of life) of human well-being (HWB). Yet conventional impact metrics routinely surpass the non-material impacts which may be particularly salient in rural contexts where small-scale farmers depend directly on the land and biodiversity. Furthermore, little is known about the comparative performance of distinct interventions along a land-sharing, versus land sparing gradient, on local definitions of HWB.

Contributions of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) to various sustainable intensification impact domains in Tanzania

Dezembro, 2021

The implementation of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) varies widely among farmers, from no ISFM to multiple computations of ISFM components (i.e., improved germplasm, organic resources, fertilizers, and local adaptations e.g., soil and water conservation (SWC)). There is no comprehensive report on farmers' use of ISFM components and their impact on sustainable intensification domains of productivity, economic, social, human condition, and environment and the associated variations across farmer fields and agro-ecological zones (AEZs).

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

This Environment and Social Management Pan (ESMP) has been developed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Ethiopia.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

The environmental and social screening exercise conducted on proposed CSA demonstration plots confirmed a range of Environmental and Social (E&S) risks, which if not mitigated, could cause harm to people and the environment. Based on these findings, this ESMP is prepared to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures.