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Tajikistan - Land Registration and Cadastre System for Sustainable Agriculture Project

The Land Registration and Cadastre System for Sustainable Agriculture Project for Tajikistan will expand farm privatization through a repeater project to enable more rural people to become independent farmers and take management decisions in response to market forces, by providing them secure land use rights certificates distributed in a transparent and fair manner, and providing essential complementary support services.

Issue Brief 2: Engaging the ASEAN: Toward a Regional Advocacy on Land Rights

Policy Papers & Briefs

This issue brief argues that before ASEAN could engage in
meaningful dialogue with NGOs, it will first have to grapple with
a number of issues, namely, (1) food security for farmers that
likewise promotes poverty eradication and rural development; (2)
property rights as a fundamental human right of farmers; (3)
ensuring justice in poverty eradication and rural development
efforts; and (4) economic growth as a precursor for social

Issue Brief 1: Land Issues in South Asia: Assesing SAARC

Policy Papers & Briefs
Southern Asia

This paper calls attention to the ambiguity of SAARC’s position
on the importance of land rights, as well as to the absence
of an official declaration from SAARC on land rights and issues
as these relate to farmers in the region. Judging by its official
documents, SAARC has no clear profile of the poor in South Asia.
At the minimum, SAARC needs to recognize the interrelatedness
of poverty alleviation, agricultural production, food security and
land rights/access to land. SAARC has yet to implement a program

Burma: Regime's land grabs disrupt lives in minority communities

Reports & Research

Almost two-thirds of farming families from ethnic Ta’ang communities in Burma’s northern Shan State have lost land to the country’s powerful military, according to a new report.

The Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization, or TSYO, says 63 percent of farming families from the Ta’ang community in the area have had land confiscated by the military. The Ta’ang are also known as Palaung.

ActionAid publication ‘Failing the rural poor: Aid, agriculture and the Millennium Development Goals’ highlights the particularly harsh effect of the current global food crisis on rural women

Reports & Research

The 2008 report by ActionAid suggests that, since women and girls are overrepresented among poor and excluded people, the food crisis is having a particularly harsh impact on them.  According to the FAO, even before the current crisis women made up 60% of the chronically hungry.

New ActionAid report documents the adverse effect of land grabs on rural women


[adapted from ActionAid] October, 2012- The report states that the importance of land to rural women goes beyond growing food. Having secure access to, and independent control over, land can mean the difference between, on the one hand, enjoying rights such as education and freedom from violence or, on the other, continual subjugation in society. ActionAid view security of land tenure for impoverished rural communities as a fundamental component of dignified, sustainable development and a crucial step towards reducing poverty and reducing inequality.

Unheard Voices: The Human Rights Impact Of Land Investments On Indigenous Communities In Gambella

Reports & Research

The Ethiopian government has committed egregious human rights abuses to make way for agricultural land investments, in direct violation of international law, said the Oakland Institute in a new briefing paper released in New Delhi today. The briefing paper, entitled "Unheard Voices: The Human Rights Impact of Land Investments on Indigenous Communities in Gambella,” calls on Ethiopia to put an end to the illegal forced evictions of indigenous peoples in areas targeted for land investment.

Empowering Women is Shortcut to Tackling Hunger - UN expert on Right to Food


United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

GENEVA (4 March 2013) – “Sharing power with women is a shortcut to reducing hunger and malnutrition, and is the single most effective step to realizing the right to food,” said the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, while urging world governments to adopt transformative food security strategies that address cultural constraints and redistribute roles between women and men.

IFPRI 2012 Global Food Policy Report


International Food Policy Research Institute

IFPRI's flagship report examines the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2012. By putting into perspective the year's food policy successes and disappointments, it suggests how to move forward those policies that improve the food situation for the poor. Reflecting the expertise and experience of IFPRI researchers and other leading food policy experts, the report considers sever crucial questions: