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Regional Law No. 1741-OZ “On allotment of plots of land free of charge in ownership to some categories of citizens”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates the allotment, free of charge, of public land plots with delimited ownership and pertaining to the regional or municipal public land stock in ownership to some categories of citizens. The following categories of citizens shall have the right of allotment free of charge of public land in ownership: (a) multi-child families; (b) single-parent families with dependent children of minority age; (c) orphans upon reaching the age of 25 years thereby; and (d) families awarded with the Order “Parental glory”.

Regional Law No. 38-OZ “On minimum and maximum land plot areas pertaining to public and municipal property that can be allotted to peasant farms.

Europa Oriental

Regional administration establishes the following dimensions of public and municipal agricultural land plots that can be allotted to peasant farms for family farming: (a) maximum agricultural land area 100, 0 ha; and (b) minimum agricultural land area – 1, 0 ha.

Regional Law No. 3697-OZ amending Regional Law No. 3534-OZ “On purchase of land plots allotted to agricultural organizations or peasant farms”.

Europa Oriental

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of agricultural land in ownership shall be performed in accordance with land purchase and sale contract”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 3534-OZ “On purchase of land plots allotted to agricultural organizations or peasant farms”. (2014-12-23)

Regional Law No. 3703-OZ “On minimum and maximum land plot areas pertaining to public and municipal property that can be allotted to peasant farms.

Europa Oriental

Regional administration establishes the following dimensions of public and municipal agricultural land plots that can be allotted to peasant farms for family farming: (a) maximum agricultural land area 100, 0 ha; and (b) minimum agricultural land area – 1, 0 ha.

Saskatchewan Farm Security Act.

América do Norte

The purpose of the present Act is to afford protection to farmers against loss of their farm land. For the purpose of the present Act “farming” includes livestock production, poultry breeding, dairying, tillage of the soil, bee-keeping, fur farming or any other activity undertaken to produce primary agricultural produce and animals. Section 5 establishes that the Farm Land Security Board and the Saskatchewan Farm Ownership Board are continued as The Farm Land Security Board consisting of those persons appointed as members by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Regional Law No. 8/2013-OZ amending Regional Law No. 7/2008-OZ “On some issues of legal regulation of land relations”.

Europa Oriental

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Orphaned children and children legally free shall have the right of allotment on condition of ownership free of charge of public land for individual housing construction in rural areas, gardening, horticulture and subsidiary smallholding”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 7/2008-OZ “On some issues of legal regulation of land relations”. (2009-06-04)

Regional Law No. 98 “On land management”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates land tenure and land management and establishes plenary powers of public administration in this sphere. It establishes minimum and maximum land plot areas, pertaining to public and municipal land, that can be allotted in ownership to citizens for the following purposes: (a) for farming – from 5 to 300 ha; (b) for gardening – from 0,02 to 0,50 ha; (c) for horticulture – from 0,02 to 0,50 ha; (d) for animal husbandry – from 5 to 16 ha; and (e) for countryside housing construction – from 0,04 to 0,25 ha.

Ley Nº 4.952 - Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar.

América do Sul

La presente Ley provincial establece un Régimen de Protección y Fomento de los Sistemas Socioproductivos de la Agricultura Familiar, mediante políticas públicas de acceso a la tierra, al agua y demás bienes esenciales para la producción, el trabajo y la comercialización. La Ley reconoce en la agricultura familiar un factor imprescindible para el logro de la soberanía alimentaría en la Provincia de Río Negro.

Regional Law No. 871-PK “On allotment of plots of land to multiple children family”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes that plots of municipal land and plots of land with undelimited ownership shall be allotted to multiple children family in ownership free of charge and without sale for individual housing construction, suburban housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, farming, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted to families or single parents with three or more children of minority age. Minimum land area of plots of land shall be 0, 10 ha and maximum land area shall be 0, 25 ha.

Ley Nº 1.728 - Normas de distribución de terrenos baldíos a familias pobres del país con fines sociales y productivos.

América do Sul

La presente Ley dicta normas de distribución de terrenos baldíos a familias pobres del país con fines sociales y productivos, disponiendo que el Consejo Directivo del INCODER señale para cada región o zona las extensiones máximas y mínimas adjudicables de los baldíos productivos en Unidades Agrícolas Familiares.

Act No. LXXXVII of 2010 on the National Land Fund.

Europa Oriental

This Act establishes the National Land Fund with the purpose of: a reasonable management of state-owned agricultural, forestry and other lands, promoting ecological agricultural production and economic efficiency, and creating a modern landed property structure based on family farms. Property rights in regard of the Fund are exercised by the Minister in charge of agriculture policy. The activity of the Fund is supervised by the State Audit Office.

Farm Lands Ownership Act (C.C.S.M. c. F.35).

América do Norte

This Act regulates ownership of farmlands. Section 2 provides that any of the following may, directly or indirectly, take, acquire, receive or hold an interest in farmland being; (b) a family farm corporation; (c) a municipality; (d) a local government district; and (e) an agency of government. Section 6 provides for the continuation of the Manitoba Farm Lands Ownership board. Section 8 deals with the powers of the Board.