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Territorio de Lomerío: Del refugio a la autonomía indígena

Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

El acceso de tierra y territorio para Lomerío remite a un histórico proceso de restitución territorial bajo la forma de propiedad colectiva o Tierra Comunitaria de Origen (TCO), que combina la lucha legal por políticas del Estado con una ardua resistencia y presión política- corporal que se expresa en las largas marchas desde los territorios indígenas hasta el centro del poder político estatal.

Comunidad campesina Laderas Centro

Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

El acceso a la tierra depende de su defensa ante el intento de expropiación, especialmente si tienen potencial económico. Una familia campesina difícilmente podría defender su tierra de forma aislada ante empresas, grandes propietarios, el propio Estado; la estrategia de afirmar la organización comunal es fundamental en la lucha por consolidar la tenencia y propiedad de la tierra campesina.

Remembering Elinor Ostrom

Reports & Research
Março, 2014

This special issue of Policy Matters focuses on the outreach and impact of Dr. Elinor Ostrom's groundbreaking research on common property (or commons) theory. Her work was instrumental in shaping contemporary analyses of resource management and conservation, especially at a local level. This collection of research papers, essays, commentaries, and songs build upon her work and provide case studies demonstrating the practical application of her theoretical contributions. 

Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security Learning Initiative for East and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA) - Phase 1

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

This report provides an overview of the achievements and learning from the Phase 1 of the Tenure Security Learning Initiative - East & Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA) Project. It also looks ahead to strategies for scaling up the initiatives, and to the second phase of the TSLI-ESA project. The main objective of the TSLI-ESA Phase 1 Project has been to identify common land and natural resources tenure issues and to enhance lesson sharing and knowledge management on land-related tools and approaches amongst the various projects, country stakeholders and partners.

Application of Fiscal Instruments in Land Management

Reports & Research
Abril, 2012

Fiscal instruments are tools that governments use to manage revenue and expenditure and therefore influence the growth (or stability) of the various sectors of the economy. Government revenue is derived primarily through taxation. In Kenya, land taxation has contributed less than 1% of government revenue for the past three years. The Sessional Paper No.

Derecho a la consulta de los pueblos indigenas en el Peru

Agosto, 2011

El Instituto de Defensa Legal, la Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal, la Clínica de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Seattle, en colaboración con el Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica (CAAP), la Asociación Paz y Esperanza, la Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH), Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), la Asociación Servicios en Comunicación Intercultural y CARE Perú, solicitaron a la Honorable Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (en adelante CIDH, Comisión Interamericana, Honorable Comisión o Comisión) una audiencia p

Social impacts of land commercialization in Zambia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2010

Macha Mission in Choma District of Southern Province, Zambia was founded by the Brethren in Christ (BIC) Church in 1906 and granted title deeds to 3,003 hectares of land by the British colonial authority of the time. Since then the Mission has built a church, a hospital (which today includes a pioneering malaria clinic), two schools, and houses for its workers. A large market has grown up near the hospital, serving local workers and hospital visitors.

Community Land Tenure and the Management of Community Land in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2007

A majority of the Kenyan population live in rural areas accessing land and natural resources through customary systems and institutions that operate largely outside the mainstream legal framework of land administration. Although there are clear provisions in the Constitution and the Trust Land Act on management of trust land there appears to be an unwritten policy on the part of government that sees community land as land that is not owned but rather is available for County Councils and government to appropriate through the setting apart procedure

Living on the Margins of Life

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2006

The meaning and scope of the concept of Community-Based Property Rights (CBPR) has become a dominant feature of conservation and development policy discourse over the last decade. The debate has largely been shaped by the growing trends where governments have continued to appropriate traditional lands for conservation and development activities that have resulted into large scale dislocation and widespread disenfranchisement of sections of our society.