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Three Faces of Shafa. Land Ownership on Trial in Ningarhar

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2014

L’étude de Qasimabad, un district urbain, de Shahidano Meena, un district semi-urbain, et Achin à Shinwari, un district rural, dans la province de Ningarhar, permet d’analyser le rôle du shafa (droit coutumier et islamique du voisinage) dans l’accaparement foncier (land-grabbing) et, par extension, dans le développement tant urbain que rural.

La question foncière à l’épreuve de la reconstruction en Côte d’Ivoire

Reports & Research
Julho, 2014
Côte d'Ivoire

Le conflit ivoirien (2002-2011) a exacerbé des tensions foncières anciennes engendrées par d’intenses migrations agraires, notamment dans la zone forestière restée sous contrôle gouvernemental durant la crise. Une loi sur le domaine foncier votée en 1998 avait tenté d’apporter une réponse à ces tensions par une politique ambitieuse de sécurisation des droits coutumiers par l’enregistrement de titres de propriété.

Contested Land: An Analysis of Multi-Layered Conflicts in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2014

In the lowland areas of Sumatra, conflicts over land and natural resources are increasing as fundamental land use transformation processes take place and the region is gradually integrated into globalized markets. Set against the background of the conflict arena of Bungku village, Jambi province, this paper describes and analyzes the struggle for land between a group of indigenous people, the Batin Sembilan, and an oil palm company, PT Asiatic Persada.

Comunidad campesina Laderas Centro

Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

El acceso a la tierra depende de su defensa ante el intento de expropiación, especialmente si tienen potencial económico. Una familia campesina difícilmente podría defender su tierra de forma aislada ante empresas, grandes propietarios, el propio Estado; la estrategia de afirmar la organización comunal es fundamental en la lucha por consolidar la tenencia y propiedad de la tierra campesina.

Duitama Boyacá: Vereda San Luis

Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

30 familias organizadas resisten la expulsión por parte de los hacendados, defendiendo la tierra donde han vivido. Luego de largas negociaciones, donde los campesinos resisten las acciones de los hacendados en su contra, se llega a un acuerdo y cada una de las 300 familias recibe una parcela de tierra, titulada familiarmente, en contraprestación por sus años de trabajo en las grandes haciendas


Reports & Research
Maio, 2014
Latin America and the Caribbean

The armed conflict in Colombia causes continued forced displacement into neighboring countries. Ecuador is the country receiving the highest number of Colombian refugees. By the end of 2013, 135 5881 people were registered inEcuador by UNHCR, with an average of 1000 new claims each month. In Panama, UNHCR estimates that 18 2972 people are living in a refugee like situations mostly in urban areas or marginalized suburbs.

Overview of the State of Indigenous Peoples in Asia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2014

In Asia “indigenous peoples” as a term is contentious. The fact remains, however, that the individual and collective rights of peoples who self-identify as indigenous peoples are being violated on a daily basis. All too often, their territories are sacrificed and expropriated for state-sponsored development and corporate projects that lead to gross and wide-scale violations of their collective rights, especially regarding their lands, territories, and resources.

LAND Project Policy Brief: Contested Claims over Protected Area Resources in Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2014

The aim of this policy brief is to describe current and historical conflicts over rights to land and natural resources within and surrounding protected areas in Rwanda. We examine the roots of contested claims between citizens and the State and offer some potential avenues for resolving these conflicts in ways that consider both the priorities of the Government of Rwanda and the rights of local communities that depend on protected area resources.