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Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2016

The story of urbanization in Kenya should be one of cautious optimism. As an emerging middle-income country with a growing share of its population living in urban areas and a governance shift toward devolution, the country could be on the verge of a major social and economic transformation. How it manages its urbanization and devolution processes will determine whether it can maximize the benefits of its transition to a middle-income country.

Infrastructure projects and changes in the urban environment: On the advance of the legal city over informal settlements

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2016

This article discusses the effects of coastal development projects carried out along the banks of the Paraná River in the city of Posadas, Argentina, which include the eradication of the illegal city situated in this large area in order to build the legal city that is open to the river.

Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin

Janeiro, 2016

Congo Basin countries rely more on
wood-based biomass to meet their energy needs than most
other countries in the world. Wood fuel production is
increasing in Congo Basin countries. Urbanization often
produces a shift from fuel wood to charcoal consumption,
because charcoal is cheaper and easier to transport and
store. Charcoal is produced mostly using traditional
techniques, with low transformation efficiencies. Under a

Land Market Restrictions, Women's Labor Force Participation, and Wages in a Rural Economy

Janeiro, 2016

This paper analyzes the effects of land
market restrictions on the rural labor market outcomes for
women. The existing literature emphasizes two mechanisms
through which land restrictions can affect the economic
outcomes: the collateral value of land, and (in) security of
property rights. Analysis of this paper focuses on an
alternative mechanism where land restrictions increase costs
of migration out of villages. The testable prediction of

Tenure Security Premium in Informal Housing Markets

Janeiro, 2016

This paper estimates slum residents
willingness to pay for formalized land tenure in Pune,
India. In so doing, it offers evidence that the legal
assurance of slum residents occupancy of their lands could
benefit them. Previous studies have discussed legal and
non-legal factors that substantially influence the tenure
security of residents in informal settlements. However, it
remains unclear to what extent, and how, the assignment of

Landlordism and self-government. The special role of the Livonian knights in the Russian Empire

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2015

German nobility took an important role in Livonia, Estonia and Courland territorial development. During from the period 1870-1913 Riga was the largest export port in Russia province with 550 thousand inhabitants. Towns and large rural population difference resulted Latvian strongly developed agriculture, industry and urbanization. Strong turbulence time began with the year 1905, followed by years of war, and finally in 20 years of the 20th century the agrarian land reform ended in Estonia, Livonia and Latvia.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2015
América Latina e Caribe

This note aims to provide information and analysis as a basis for a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of achieving gender equality in Bolivia, with a special focus on the intersectionality between gender and ethnicity. Combining and analyzing existing evidence and new data, it seeks to document gender-specific disparities in development outcomes, highlight opportunities and constraints to women’s empowerment, and identify areas in which continuing knowledge gaps are particularly important to understand and address gender inequalities.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2015
Ásia Central

This report is about Romanis's Green growth benchmarking, which is a country-level diagnostic that helps define a country’s strengths and vulnerabilities in adopting a path to greener growth. The process of defining a country’s green growth path starts with an analysis aimed at mapping the country’s current position on a multi-dimensional green-growth chart, with each dimension defined by an indicator of green growth.

Hub-Periphery Development Pattern and Inclusive Growth

Dezembro, 2015

The hub-periphery development pattern of
the Guangdong economy, to some extent, is a miniature of
that of the Chinese economy. The Pearl River Delta, drawing
from its first-nature comparative advantages in factor
endowments and proximity to Hong Kong SAR, China, and Macau
SAR, China, and the second-nature advantages as first-movers
in the reforms in attracting and retaining domestic and
foreign resources, has developed into a regional economic

Urbanization Trends in Bolivia

Dezembro, 2015

This note is a summary of a report that
considers urban areas as the complement to rural areas that
will allow the Plurinational State of Bolivia to achieve the
goals set forth in its Patriotic Agenda for the Bicentennial
2025. The report uses data available at the national level
from censuses and household surveys from the National
Statistics Institute (INE) and the Social and Economic
Policy Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Development Planning

Sub-decree on Phnom Penh Land Use Master Plan for 2035

Dezembro, 2015

The objective and strategy-oriented development goal of Phnom Penh urbanization aim to:

- Orient land usage and ensure the existing potential value of the Phnom Penh capital city in sustainable, efficient and equitable ways, in order to support the socio-economic development, ensure food security, pulchritude and environmental quality.

- Orient the development with equality, equity and correspondence between Phnom Penh capital city, city, provinces of the country and other states’ cities.

Urbanization and Property Rights

Dezembro, 2015

Since the industrial revolution, the
economic development of Western Europe and North America was
characterized by continuous urbanization accompanied by a
gradual phasing-in of urban land property rights over time.
Today, however, the evidence in many fast urbanizing
low-income countries points towards a different trend of
“urbanization without formalization”, with potentially
adverse effects on long-term economic growth. This paper