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Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2015

The area of the Strait of Messina, covering as trip of land that runs from Gioia Tauro to Melito Porto Salvo, on the Calabrian side and from Milazzo to Giardini Naxos on the Sicilian side, is bounded by the Aspromonte Massif and Peloritani Chain that create a room in the landscape: the empty water square of the Strait.


Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2015

The paper synthesises and compares the results of a research carried out on the energy potential of the provinces of Enna and Syracuse from the perspective of wind energy production. The study highlighted some remarkable differences between the two provinces due to the different wind dynamics and the presence of the landscape characteristics.

Federal Republic of Nigeria Slum Upgrading, Involuntary Resettlement, Land and Housing

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Maio, 2015

This report aims to extract lessons on slum upgrading and involuntary resettlement policies and practices learned from the process of addressing the Badia East case, which involved complex interactions between affected people, NGOs, the Bank and Lagos State Government.

Gabonese Republic Report on Growth and Employment

Maio, 2015

In 2009 the Gabonese authorities defined
a new vision whose strategic guidelines are detailed in an
operational plan, the strategic plan for an emerging Gabon
(PSGE) whose goal is to turn Gabon into an emerging country
within one generation. PSGE includes an ambitious public
investment program to develop basic infrastructure and to
create the necessary economic environment for the emergence
of a diversified economy. The major challenge for PSGE, and

Strategic Environmental Assessment for Industry Sector Himachal Pradesh, India

Abril, 2015

This strategic environmental assessment
(SEA) is a technical piece intended to assist in the current
and future identification of priority industrial pollutants
and economic instruments to minimize industrial waste. This
industrial sector SEA is one of six pieces of technical
support envisioned by the Himachal Pradesh (HP) inclusive
green growth (IGG) development policy loan (DPL) to fill
knowledge gaps and strengthen operational success of the

A szélsőséges időjárási jelenségek hatásai (Effects of the Extreme Weather Events)

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2015

Economist Sir Nicholas Stern warned that the global warming could cause major blow to the world economy than the two world wars and the crisis in the 1930s. But where are we in this process now and what can be expected in the near future and what opportunities we are to curb the negative effects and to slow down the global warming.

The Low Carbon City Development Program Guidebook

Abril, 2015

According to the United Nations
population fund, the world is undergoing the largest wave of
urban growth in history, with more people now living in
cities than in rural areas. Cities are also responsible for
a high proportion of global carbon emissions, which are the
main driver of anthropogenic climate change. By taking the
lead on low carbon development, cities have the opportunity
to engage in an important dialogue about sustainable

The Misallocation of Land and Other Factors of Production in India

Março, 2015

This paper quantifies the misallocation of manufacturing output and factors of production between establishments across Indian districts during 1989-2010. It first distills a number of stylized facts about misallocation in India, and demonstrates the validity of misallocation metrics by connecting them to regulatory changes in India that affected real property. With this background, the study next quantifies the implications and determinants of factor and output misallocation.

Lavouras Transgênicas: Riscos e Incertezas

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2015

Esta publicação representa a continuidade do trabalho iniciado por Magda Zanoni, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), no sentido de discutir os riscos das plantas transgênicas para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Em sua atuação no MDA e como representante do Ministério na CTNBio, Magda dedicou esforços para chamar a atenção à importância desse debate.

ICLEI Seoul Declaration

UN Resolutions
Março, 2015

On this day 9 April 2015, in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, on the occasion of the ICLEI World Congress 2015, ICLEI Members and representatives of local, subnational governments and our partners worldwide, proclaim the ICLEI Seoul Declaration.

Terras da União

Reports & Research
Março, 2015
América do Sul
As terras de domínio público dão lugar à produção do espaço urbano assim como as terras de propriedade privada. O contraste entre cidade formal e informal, tão característico no Brasil, não faz essa distinção, estando refletido também nas terras pertencentes à União. Esta, titular da dominialidade sobre esses bens, importante reserva pública de recursos fundiários, estaria representando o interesse público, do Estado, ou da acumulação capitalista, na gestão do que se denomina de Patrimônio da União?