| Land Portal
Existem 2,288 itens de conteúdo relacionados a zona rural no Land Portal.
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro 2023
Burkina Faso

Le diagnostic orienté-action du système national d'innovation agricole au Burkina Faso a été conduit conjointement par la FAO et le Ministère en charge de l'agriculture dans le but d'éclairer l'action politique à court terme tout en proposant un cadre stratégique global et de long terme pour renforcer les capacités des acteurs du système national d'innovation agricole.

Land and Socio‐Economic Effects of the COVID‐19 Pandemic in Rural Kenya
Artigos e Livros
Outubro 2022

Following its outbreak in late 2019, the Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) has been reported to have had devastating human health, health systems, and socioeconomic impacts across the globe.

Publicação revisada por pares
Outubro 2022
África Central

L’agriculture dite de « seconde génération » est désormais le chemin à suivre pour le développement du Cameroun. Dans cet article, il est question de saisir la signification de ce concept et d’explorer les conditions d’une mise en œuvre réussie.

National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods Azerbaijan
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Setembro 2022

This country gender assessment (CGA) for the Republic of Azerbaijan was undertaken as part of FAO and national commitments to promote gender equality while integrating a gender perspective into its operations.

Julho 2021

Secure land tenure is key to eradicating poverty;increasing agricultural investment and ensuring food security;and is an essential element of climate action and climate resilience. Yet women have far weaker rights to land than men.

Documentos e Resumos de Políticas
Maio 2021

The Cameroonian government’s decision to reform the land legal framework is an opportunity to provide real protection for rural land tenure rights, in a context where major investments and projects are increasing tenure insecurity across the country.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Março 2021

Land consolidation courts deal with cases where the relationship between holders of grazing rights needs be regulated, but also where the rights holders are competing with other potential land uses, such as building holiday cabins, forestry, hunting, etc. These cases are governed by the provisions of sections 3-8 and 3-10 of the Land Consolidation Act.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Março 2021

In most countries, land consolidation was first introduced in rural areas, with legislation suitable for urban areas being drafted at a later date. This is also true of Norway. The first evidence of urban competency in the legislation is found in the Land Consolidation Act from 1950. It is important to note that in Norway land consolidation remains the exclusive province of the court system.

Publicação revisada por pares
Fevereiro 2021
Estados Unidos

Agricultural development is determined by various factors, such as environmental, economic, demographic, or social circumstances. In order to present the level of this development as com-prehensively as possible, a multidimensional analysis should be carried out with an appropriate methodology.

Últimas notícias

 PH Reinaux
8 Agosto 2022
América do Sul

O Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) confirmou, por maioria de votos, liminar concedida em junho pelo ministro Luís Roberto Barroso para suspender despejos e desocupações até 31/10, em razão da pandemia da covid-19.

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