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Procedures, Practices and Issues Related to Leasing of Land for Large Scale Agricultural Investments

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2019

Large-scale agricultural investments (LSAI) in Ethiopia are expected to provide input for the processing industry and to bring foreign currency as well as technology transfer to the country, while the local communities will benefit from employment and infrastructure improvements related to these investments. But the results of investment projects have been rather limited so far. In the past, the land identification (and verification) process for LSAI, due to various reasons, was not implemented with the required accuracy, which often resulted in environmental and social problems.

Initial Valuation Concept for Compensation Purpose

Reports & Research
Maio, 2019

Due to the rapidly growing population in Ethiopia, land is becoming scarce resource. This often results in an increased land use conflicts. Rapid urban expansion, large infrastructure projects in urban as well as in rural areas and an increasing demand for farmland often leads to displacement of the local population. Small holders are expropriated, forced to leave their farms and lose their livelihoods. 

Guidelines for the Procedure of Land Identification and Verification for Commercial Agricultural Investment

Reports & Research
Maio, 2019

The promotion of commercialized and mechanized agriculture is considered as one possible contribution to the further economic development efforts in Ethiopia. In addition to the traditional farming sector, which is predominantly characterized by smallholders and subsistence farming, large-scale agricultural investments are expected to provide input for the processing industry, bring foreign currency as well as technology transfer to the country.

The State Of Indigenous Peoples In 10 Facts

Maio, 2019

2 days to change the world through Indigenous rights

On 22–23 June 2019, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will be held in Bonn, Germany, focusing on tackling climate change by improving rights for Indigenous peoples and local communities. Alongside the U.N. Bonn Climate Change Conference (SBSTA 50), the event will bring together more than 1,500 global Indigenous leaders, scientists, politicians, activists, youth, members of the private sector, creative thinkers and more.

Innovations in the baobab value chain and inclusive business development – lessons and opportunities

Reports & Research
Maio, 2019

This reflection paper focuses on the baobab value chain in the north of Manica Province, and specifically on the interactions between women baobab collectors and Baobab Products Mozambique (BPM), as BPM seeks to develop its inclusive business model.

For the last three years, the commercial interactions between BPM and the communities, particularly the women who collect the baobab fruit, have taken place in the context of a LEGEND-funded project implemented by Micaia Foundation. Micaia’s project sought to address two central problems:

Respecter le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause au Sénégal

Reports & Research
Maio, 2019

Respecter le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause est un droit collectif qui appartient à tout membre d’une communauté. Cela signifie que les communautés ont le droit de prendre des décisions par leurs propres représentants librement choisis et leurs institutions, coutumières ou autres, telles que les autorités locales et les élus locaux. Ce guide d'accompagnement doit être utilisé pour des formations en consentement libre, préalable et en connaissance de cause.

राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा के संदर्भ में भूमि, मत्स्य पालन और वन के कार्यकाल के जिम्मेदार शासन पर स्वैच्छिक दिशानिर्देश

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2019

दिशानिर्देश, कार्यकाल पर पहला व्यापक, वैश्विक उपकरण है और इसके प्रशासन को अंतरसरकारी वार्ताओं के माध्यम से तैयार किया जाना है। दिशानिर्देशों ने सिद्धांतों, और भूमि, मत्स्य पालन और जंगलों के उपयोग और नियंत्रण के लिए जिम्मेदार प्रथाओं के अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर स्वीकृत मानकों को निर्धारित किया है। वे नीति, कानूनी और संगठनात्मक ढांचे में सुधार के लिए मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करते हैं जो कार्यकाल के अधिकारों को विनियमित करते हैं; कार्यकाल प्रणालियों की पारदर्शिता और प्रशासन को बढ़ाने के लिए; और सार्वजनिक निकायों, निजी क्षेत्र के उद्यमों, नागरिक समाज संगठनों और कार्यकाल औ जिक और आर्थिक विकास के अधिकार की

A Preliminary Study on The Formation of Land Legislation and Cadastre System in Sarawak, Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2019

Recent decades have witnessed a perceptible impact of land policy and cadastre on the urbanisation around the globe. Land legislation and cadastre system are the tools and mechanisms in order to achieve the objectives of land policy in delivering sustainable development. According to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, article 74 empowers the State Legislative Assemblies to enact laws for the matters under the state list while land matters are one of the subjects under the list.