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Grazing as a post-mining land use: A conceptual model of the risk factors

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Driven principally by government regulation and societal expectations, mining companies around the world are seeking to mitigate the environmental impacts of mining through mined land rehabilitation programs. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to establish an acceptable and sustainable post-mining land use. Mining companies worldwide face the challenge of specifying just what a sustainable post-mining land use will be.

Costs of abandoned coal mine reclamation and associated recreation benefits in Ohio

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Two hundred years of coal mining in Ohio have degraded land and water resources, imposing social costs on its citizens. An interdisciplinary approach employing hydrology, geographic information systems, and a recreation visitation function model, is used to estimate the damages from upstream coal mining to lakes in Ohio. The estimated recreational damages to five of the coal-mining-impacted lakes, using dissolved sulfate as coal-mining-impact indicator, amount to $21 Million per year.

Landmine death and injuries, old mines continue to make travel unsafe in Pa'an District

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

This report is based on information submitted to KHRG in November 2012 by a community member describing events occurring in Pa'an District, between August 28th 2012 and November 1st 2012, where one landmine exploded in Htee Klay village tract, one landmine exploded in Noh Kay village tract and one landmine exploded in Htee Kyah Rah village tract. These explosions injured a 21-year-old man named Saw P---, who died, a man of around 40-years-old, named Saw B---, who lost one leg, and an unknown Tatmadaw soldier from Light Infantry Battalion #275, who lost both of his legs.

Progress stops at the Myanmar elite's door

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

Freedom of speech will struggle to flourish in Myanmar as its economic interests are dominated by powerful neighbours...The protesters were given five minutes to leave. Police surrounded their camp close to the Letpadaung copper mine in northern Myanmar in the early hours of Thursday, armed with loudspeakers, water cannons and warnings of attack. First came the water, the force of which swept away dozens of flimsy structures used to shelter hundreds of Myanmarese angered at the damage wrought over more than a decade by the country's largest copper mine.

A Terra no contexto do desenvolvimento da indústria mineira

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2012

O sector da extracção mineira, incluindo o da pesquisa e exploração de hidrocarbonetos, tem registado um desenvolvimento assinalável em Moçambique. Até há poucos anos, a indústria mineira não desempenhava um papel relevante na economia do país. De referir que houve no passado alguma produção, destacando-se a produção de carvão em Tete. Embora em escala reduzida, também houve exploração de bauxite, cobre e ouro em Manica, calcário e grafites em Cabo Delgado, gemas e pedras semipreciosas em Nampula, tantalite na Zambézia e bentonite em Maputo.

Whose development is it?

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Since 1999 foreign governments have given large financial and political support to the building of the Mozal aluminium smelter in Mozambique. Half the costs of building Mozal came directly from publicly owned institutions, or were guaranteed by them. In return, they and the private investors have received large returns in profit and interest. But the Mozambique government has been left with very little.

COAL VERSUS COMMUNITIES: Exposing poor practices by Vale and Rio Tinto in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Mozambique has attracted two of the world’s largest mining companies – Brazil’s Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Vale) and the Anglo-Australian multinational Rio Tinto – to extract coal from the huge fields in Tete province. In 2010, Vale and Rio Tinto were the second and third most valuable mining companies on earth – worth US$169 and US$83 billion respectively.

New Artisanal Mining Assessment Report Released for Cote d'Ivoire

Novembro, 2012

In Cote d'Ivoire, a UN-imposed embargo on the export of Ivoirian diamonds to other countries has been in place since 2005 due to concerns regarding the control of diamond-mining zones by former rebel groups as well as weak internal controls over the country's diamond mining sector. Given these concerns and the role USAID's Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD) program has played in helping to improve countries with their Kimberley Process compliance, USAID commissioned an assessment of the land tenure and artisanal mining sector in Cote d'Ivoire in September 2012.

Landmine & Cluster Munition Monitor Report Myanmar/Burma 2012

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Mine Ban Treaty status: Not a State Party...
Pro-mine ban UNGA voting
Abstained on Resolution 66/29 in December 2011, as
in previous years...
Participation in Mine Ban
Treaty meetings:
Attended the Eleventh Meeting of States Parties in
Phnom Penh in November–December 2011...
Key developments: Foreign Minister stated Myanmar is considering
accession to the Mine Ban Treaty. President Thein
Sein requested assistance for clearance of mines.