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El desborde de la violencia : raza, capital y grupos armados en la expansión transnacional de la palma aceitera en Nariño y Esmeraldas

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2012

Las condiciones estructurales de discriminación, pobreza, exclusión y violencia frente a los pueblos afro-descendientes en el norte de la provincia de Esmeraldas, han permitido que en esta región del Ecuador, como Choco y Tumaco en Colombia, queden a merced de factores que vulneren sus prácticas de vida. Parte de esos factores se han ido estructurando con la presencia de actores armados ilegales colombianos, sicarios ecuatorianos, rutas de narcotráfico y en los últimos años con el cultivo de palma aceitera y la minería ilegal.

Blood and Gold: Inside Burma's Hidden War (video)

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2012

Deep in the wilds of northern Myanmar's Kachin state a brutal civil war has intensified over the past year between government forces and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

People & Power sent filmmakers Jason Motlagh and Steve Sapienza to Myanmar (formerly Burma) to investigate why the conflict rages on, despite the political reforms in the south that have impressed Western governments and investors now lining up to stake their claim in the resource-rich Asian nation.

Moçambique deve adoptar melhores práticas de gestão de recursos petrolíferos

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2012

A descoberta, por parte da companhia norte-americana Anadarko Petroleum Corp, de sinais de presença de petróleo na Bacia do Rovuma, anunciada pela Ministra dos Recursos Minerais, Esperança Bias, é uma notícia que acende luz no fundo do túnel dos esforços colectivos da luta contra a miséria e a pobreza que os moçambicanos travam há várias décadas.

Sand mining: The High Volume – Low Value Paradox

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2012

Water does not exist in isolation. It is an integral part of any ecosystem and as such, every major change to this ecosystem has hydrological impacts which then lead to sociological, economic and other environmental consequences. The world’s freshwater resources are under threat from a wide variety of factors. Many of them such as over-abstraction of water from rivers and aquifers, pollution from point and non-point sources, changing patterns of precipitation are popularly known, debated and discussed widely.

Property Rights and Mining in Afghanistan: Lessons From Africa

Setembro, 2012

Afghanistan has significant amounts of mineral resources according to an assessment completed by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2007. However, according to a recent article by the New York Times “the potential resource boom seems increasingly imperiled by corruption, violence and intrigue.” Control over land and resource rights are increasingly becoming a source of contention, especially as the government begins to make land concessions.

Dooplaya Situation Update: Kawkareik Township and Kya In Township, April to June 2012

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2012

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in June 2012 by a community member who described events occurring in Dooplaya District during the period between April 2012 and June 2012, specifically in relation to landmines, education, health, taxation and demand, forced labour, land confiscation, displacement, and restrictions on freedom of movement and trade. After the 2012 ceasefire between the Burma government and the KNU, remaining landmines still present serious risks for local villagers in Kawkareik Township because they are unable to travel.

How Tourism Can (and Does) Benefit the Poor and the Environment - A Case Study from Panama

Agosto, 2012

Tourism is one of Latin America's
fastest growing industries, outranking remittances and even
drugs in many countries as a source of foreign exchange. But
the impact of tourism on the poor and on the environment
remains under debate. Certainly many suspect that tourism
does more harm than good, damaging the environment and
leaving the poor worse off while shipping profits overseas.
But few have actually analyzed the impact of tourism on the

Ghana - Mining and Development

Agosto, 2012

The objectives of the project ($9.37
million, 1996-2001) were to (a) enhance the capacity of the
mining sector institutions to carry out their functions of
encouraging and regulating investments in the mining sector
in an environmentally sound manner and (b) support the use
of techniques and mechanisms that will improve productivity,
financial viability and reduce the environmental impact of
small-scale mining operations. It had two components:

T&V Has a High Payoff

Agosto, 2012

T&V has a high payoff. A new
approach to petroleum exploration. More books for schools,
by A. Buchan, C. Denning, T. Read, D. Lacase, and S. Diop.
Better transport, by Phillip Moeller and S. Carapetis et al.
A new deal for mining. Public examinations: problem or
solution, by Kelleghan and Greaney. Nexus update. A
comprehensive approach to land management, by Walter J.
Lusigi and Bengt A. Nekby. Agriculture research to be revitalized.