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Decree-Law No. 34/2017 regulating land integrated in Special Tourist Zones subject of contracts signed by municipalities with private individuals.

Agosto, 2017
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law regulates land integrated in Special Tourist Zones subject of contracts signed by municipalities with private individuals and alteration of the exceptional regime of transmission for the ownership of the municipalities of lands of the private domain of the State, approved by Decree-Law No. 39/2016 of 18 July 18.

A new land records system

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2017
África do Sul

It is fairly well understood how an incremental settlement approach to addressing South Africa's housing and settlement needs works, but there is less understanding however for how an incremental settlement approach could work in the context of tenure security.

Rethinking post-disaster relocation in urban India

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2017

After natural disasters, governments often relocate vulnerable urban communities in the name of humanitarian relief. But urban communities rarely welcome such relocation, since it frequently exacerbates their daily challenges or creates new risks. Indeed, resettlement after a disaster is often another form of eviction. This briefing discusses the situation in Chennai, where state and local authorities have been building resettlement tenements on inland marsh areas using centrally sponsored schemes for affordable housing.

The participation of urban displaced populations in (in)formal markets: contrasting experiences in Kampala, Uganda

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Julho, 2017

An estimated 60 per cent of the world’s 17 million refugees currently reside in cities, where they often lack access to financial assistance and legal protection.(1) In their absence, displaced populations depend on participation in formal and, more frequently, informal markets for livelihood generation.

Comparison of pixel-based and object-based methods of land cover classification of urban areas using high-resolution digital aerial photography

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2017

In this study, we compared pixel-based image analysis and object-based image analysis (OBIA) as methods of land cover classification of urban areas, using high resolution digital aerial photography. The study area was Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, Japan, and we carried out supervised classification using aerial photographs with 25-cm spatial resolution, and with both visible bands and a near infrared band. The overall accuracy of the object-based classification was approximately 6 to 20 percentage points higher than that of the pixel-based classification.

Urban growth modeling based on the multi-centers of the urban areas and land cover change in Yangon, Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2017

Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar, is the major economic areas of the country. Also, the urban areas have significantly increased. However, Yangon has problems with disasters such as flood and earthquake. To support disaster risk management in Yangon, Myanmar, the estimation of urban expansion is required to understand the mechanism of urban expansion and predict urban areas in the future. This research proposed a methodology to develop urban expansion modeling based the dynamic statistical model using Landsat Time-Series and GeoEye Images.

Federal Law No. 217-FZ “On gardening and horticulture for individual personal needs”.

Julho, 2017

This Federal Law regulates the issues of gardening and horticulture by citizens for individual personal needs (subsistence farming), determines civil and legal status of non-commercial organizations constituted by citizens for gardening and truck farming in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Owners of plots of agricultural land destined for gardening and horticulture and citizens wishing to purchase such plots in accordance with land legislation can constitute non-commercial gardening and horticultural associations.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters.

Julho, 2017

This Regulation repeals Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 1 of Article 5 and Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 4 of Article 6.

Amends: Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters. (2012-12-15)

Federal Law No. 222-FZ amending Federal Law No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation”.

Julho, 2017

This Federal Law establishes that if land-use planning projects and land-use planning rules and regulations were drafted and examined at public hearings prior to entry into force of this Federal Law, the validation of the aforesaid rules and regulations, amendments thereto shall be performed in conformity with the acting Urban planning code and they shall be brought into conformity with requirements of Urban planning code by July 1, 2018.Information submitted to the rights registration authority on the boundaries of the protective zones of cultural heritage sites shall contain a textual and

Ley Nº 1.848 - Expide normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos.

Julho, 2017

La presente Ley expiden normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos y dicta disposiciones para el pago de derechos notariales y de derechos registrales. La inscripción de actos administrativos de cesión o transferencia, a otras entidades públicas o a particulares, de bienes inmuebles de propiedad pública susceptibles de ser enajenados, que se encuentren ubicados en predios que hayan sido objeto de legalización urbanística, de acuerdo con las normas vigentes, se liquidarán como actos sin cuantía.

Law No. XIII-601 amending Law No. IX-415 “On geodesy and cartography”.

Julho, 2017

Article 6 establishes that geodetic and cartographic products created by municipalities for the state shall be owned by the state, while geodetic and cartographic work created by municipalities for its own use shall be owned by municipalities. Article 9 establishes the competence of ministries and state institutions in the sphere of geodetic and cartographic activities.

Decreto Supremo Nº 020-2017-VIVIENDA ─ Modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 015-2012-VIVIENDA, Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento.

Julho, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo modifica el Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento, en relación a la clasificación anticipada de proyectos con características comunes o similares sujetos al Sistema Nacional de Evaluación del Impacto Ambienta (SEIA) del sector saneamiento, incorporando al Reglamento el Anexo II sobre “Clasificación anticipada de proyectos que presentan características comunes o similares de competencia del sector saneamiento”.