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Roads and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Julho, 2016

This paper assesses the relation between
access to markets and cultivated land in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Making use of a geo-referenced panel over three decades
(1970-2005) during which the road network was significantly
improved, the analysis finds a modest but significant
positive association between increased market accessibility
and local cropland expansion. It also finds that cropland
expansion, in turn, is associated with a small but

The Nexus of Financial Inclusion and Financial Stability

Julho, 2016

Policy makers and regulators have
devoted much effort to reforms aimed at improving financial
stability in response to lessons from the 2007-09 crisis. At
the same time, much effort has also been directed to
promoting greater financial inclusion as an enabler of equal
opportunity. To some extent, these endeavors have been
exerted in silos, neglecting the possibility that financial
inclusion and financial stability could be significantly

Arrêté n° 14220-2016 du 5 juillet 2016 portant constitution de réserve foncière de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction.

Julho, 2016

Le présent arrêté met en place une réserve foncière (04ha 98a 31ca sise à Piste Avaratra, Fokontany d’Antsirabe Avaratra, Commune Urbaine d’Antsirabe I, Vakinakaratra) de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction, en application de l’Article 38 de la loi n°2005-019 du 17 octobre 2005 fixant le principe régissant les statuts de terre.

Met en oeuvre: Loi n° 2005 - 019 fixant les principes régissant les statuts des terres. (2005-10-17)

Remaking the urban mosaic. Participatory and inclusive land readjustment

Reports & Research
Julho, 2016

Participatory and inclusive land readjustment, or PILaR for short, is a way of reorganizing the ownership of land in and around cities in a pro-poor way. It brings together land parcels belonging to different owners and treats them as a single unit for planning and infrastructure provision. The municipality reserves a portion of the land for roads and other public infrastructure, and returns the rest to the original owners. Each owner gets back a smaller parcel, but it is worth more because it now has road access and other services.

Benefits of Urban Trees. Banner

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2016

The livelihood of urban communities depends on the wide range of goods and services provided by natural ecosystems in and around cities. The UPF approach can significantly contribute to the quality of the urban environment and provide a wide range of benefits including watershed management and disaster risk prevention, climate change adaptation and mitigation, air quality improvement, human health benefits, food and fuel supply, jobs and income generation and biodiversity conservation.

Urbanisation, transformation rurale et leurs incidences sur la sécurité alimentaire - Consultation en ligne sur le document de fond qui sera soumis au Forum du CSA

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2016
Países Baixos
Burkina Faso
Estados Unidos

Ce document résume la consultation en ligne: Urbanisation, transformation rurale et leurs incidences sur la sécurité alimentaire Consultation en ligne sur le document de fond qui sera soumis au forum du CSA, organisé sur le Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN) de la FAO du 15 mars au 12 avril 2016 et coordonné par Deborah Fulton, secrétaire du CSA.

Habitat III National Report Tanzania

Reports & Research
Junho, 2016

Tanzania implemented extensive policy, legislative and structural reforms taken
and taken several other measures to fulfil her commitments to the Habitat II
Agenda. Yet achieving the objectives of "shelter for all" and "sustainable human
settlements in an urbanizing world" has remained elusive, due to financial and
human resource limitations of the urban authorities and rapid urbanization. Lack
of access to affordable housing, finance, land and services has resulted in most of

Política pública como vetor de desenvolvimento do turismo, o caso de Brasília/DF - Brasil

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2016

Este trabalho tem com tema a política pública e o planejamento como vetor de desenvolvimento do turismo. Tem objetivo como investigar como o planejamento turístico conjugado com a política pública interferiu no período entre 2010 e 2014 no desenvolvimento do turismo em Brasília. Para o alcance do objetivo a metodologia utilizada foi a de pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante, tendo em vista que a pesquisadora compôs o quadro de servidores responsáveis pela avaliação do planejamento no período analisado.


Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2016
Europa Oriental

The post-Cold War conditions, following the collapse of the USSR, brought radical socio-economic changes in Central and Eastern Europe, including the process of military restructuring – a process of military relocation, which resulted in huge amounts of under-used land. Many regions are facing development dilemmas while experiencing demilitarization transformations, as the process has left behind in many cities large areas of abandoned and potentially contaminated tracts of land.

As possibilidades de implementação do turismo cinematográfico em Belém do Pará

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2016

O artigo mostra a união do turismo com o cinema, um novo segmento do turismo mundial. São apontadas considerações básicas, a relação com uma film commission e como a cidade de Brasília se tornou referência nesse segmento no Brasil. Metodologicamente, adota-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória, qualitativa e indutiva, procurando trabalhar de forma mais natural possível para sistematização das ideias. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar como o turismo cinematográfico pode ser implementado na capital paraense.

Os fatores motivacionais na prática da atividade turística na terceira idade: um estudo a partir de um centro de convivência de idosos na cidade de Manaus

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2016

O Turismo, na atualidade, tem ganhado bastante valor e destaque quando se trata de lazer e como fator da melhora na qualidade de vida. Indubitavelmente, a atividade turística tem grande importância para a economia mundial, sendo uma alternativa de grande valor para muitos lugares que não possuem potencial nos setores primário e secundário, mas possuem recursos naturais e/ou grande valor histórico. Além da importância econômica, o turismo também possui grande valor sociocultural e psicossocial, pois lida com sonhos, realizações, conhecimento e troca de experiências culturais.