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Balancing The Numbers: Using Grassroots Land Valuation To Empower Communities In Land Investment Negotiations

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2018
América Latina e Caribe

Across Africa, Asia and Latin America, investors are increasingly approaching rural communities seeking land for logging, mining, and agribusiness ventures. Even in those situations where the investors have followed FPIC guidelines and undertaken a formal “consultation” with the community, these consultations are generally conducted in a context of significant power and information asymmetries. Part of the power imbalance comes from communities’ lack of information about the value of community lands and natural resources.

Implementing free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC): A Forest Stewardship Council Discussion Paper

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2018

This guide provides information on how to engage in consultation following the FPIC principles with Indigenous Peoples and local communities before undertaking forestry management activities on the lands they legally or customarily own and/or use. It

• encourages and supports discussion among stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples, and FSC on the recognition of the right to FPIC, and

• provides a framework for the development of generally acceptable guidelines for companies seeking FPIC.

2018 Investor Survey on Land Rights: Perceptions and Practices of the Private Sector on Land and Resource Tenure Risks

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2018

The USAID's Investor Survey on Land Rights aimed to provide a more systematic understanding of the drivers of tenure risk to land-based investments from the perspective of the private sector, and of how investors and operators assess, mitigate and are affected by such risks. The findings from the survey will provide readers with useful insights into the current treatment of land tenure risks in land-based investments.

Land governance for development in Central and Eastern Europe: Land fragmentation and land consolidation as part of Sustainable Development Goals

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2018
Eastern Europe
Western Europe

Most transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) face enormous challenges in developing a viable land structure, requiring a set of measures which is unprecedented in its scale and intensity to speed up this process. Analysis of policy initiatives in CEE countries illustrates that options for solving fragmentation and small scale of farms have concentrated on particular instruments like land consolidation and land banking.

Triangulation in participation: Dynamic approaches for science-practice interaction in land-use decision making in rural China

Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2018
Estados Unidos

Land use decision making requires knowledge integration from a wide range of stakeholders across science and practice. Many participatory methods and instruments aiming at such science-practice interaction have been developed during the last decades. However, there are methodological challenges, and little evidence neither about the methodological applicability and practicability under diverse socio-political conditions nor about their dynamics. The objective of this paper is to offer some insights on the design and implementation of reasonable science-practice interaction.

16 - Healthy and safe working environment - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Fevereiro, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance for governments and companies on good practice in occupational health and safety policies, programs, procedures and processes, a matter of critical importance given that half the world’s working population is in agriculture

6 - Screening Prospective Investors - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Fevereiro, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance to governments on how to screen and select prospective investment projects to ensure they maximize the social, economic, and environmental benefits while minimizing the risks. It provides investors information on what can be expected in cases of good screening practice.

7 - Tools for Screening Prospective Investors - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Fevereiro, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides examples of tools that government agencies can adapt to their national context and use to develop the technical capacity to screen and select investors.

Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2018

Ce Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural a été préparé dans le cadre du projet de coopération technique de la FAO et de la Commission de la CEDEAO portant sur : « la Réponse Genre aux Plans Régionaux et Nationaux d’Investissement Agricole pour relever le défi Faim Zéro dans la région de la CEDEAO ». Le projet couvre les quinze pays membres de la CEDEAO sous le leadership de Bukar Tijani, Directeur General Adjoint et Représentant Régional pour l’Afrique de la FAO et Siga Fatima Jagne, Commissaire de la CEDEAO pour les Affaires Sociales et le Genre.