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Urbanization: Planting Forests in Pots

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Taking plants from their original habitat and keeping them in pots is an illustrative example of manmade poweroriented and unnatural habitation Naturally a plant cannot survive in a segregated environment of a pot For this reason diverse supportive activities such as watering feeding or protecting must be planned These supplying infrastructures create a great power for the caretaker over the life of the potted plant Using the example of potted plants this article tries to shed light on the social and ecological problems of urbanization

A Discussion on Affordable Housing Projects; Case Study Mehr Housing, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Housing is one of the basic needs of humans Families in different countries with various cultures who have different lifestyles respond to their individual needs including physical and mental in a safe place that is called house The world population is increasing day by day In parallel to this population growth housing demand increases rapidly Iran is also a country which has a rapid population growth and has developed a series of policies to solve the housing problems Affordable housing is one of solution for providing the house by governments These type of houses is the ways to answer the

Opportunities for Practicing Sustainable Building Construction in Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

The construction sector of the Kurdistan region of the Republic of Iraq has witnessed a huge development in the construction sector last ten years However there is a lack of awareness and legislation regarding sustainable construction in the buildings sector The aim of the paper is to find the required mechanism to introduce sustainable practice and implement sustainable construction in the buildings construction sector in Northern Iraq The main objectives of this study are identifying the barriers in sustainable construction in Northern Iraq and investigate the law and regulations in deali

Some Notes about Architecture, Urbanism and Economy

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The economy can be considered as the transversal component of human activities over territories This fact can be observed from a diachronic perspective the way how architectural typologies arose through history But the relations between Economy and Architecture are not only established by the small scales but the larger ones Cities and territories evolved from compact forms till spread ones in a parallel way to the arousal of the shopping areas Urban sprawl could never be understood without these new typologies The paper is based on the keynote speech was held in the International seminar E

Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure by the Parliamentary Land Investigation Commission in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

WEBSITE ABSTRACT: This case study presents a country-wide quantitative analysis of a Parliamentary Commission established in 2012 in Myanmar to examine ‘land grab’ cases considered and to propose solutions towards releasing the land to its original owners, in most cases smallholder farming families. The study analyses the information contained in four reports released to the public, but also aims to elicit information they do not reveal. First of all, the paper suggests the commission has failed to provide detailed information about land grabs by the military.

Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Over the last decade, there have been considerable concerns raised regarding the social and environmental impacts of large-scale land concessions for plantation development in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics, including in Laos and Cambodia. However, there is still much to learn about the various connections and interactions associated with reactions to what are often referred to as “land grabs”, and the ways they are associated or not associated with broader social movements and networks opposed to land grabbing.

Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

This paper focuses on one community in Cambodia that won back land from a large land deal by grabbing onto the rupture in property relations initiated by a one-year land titling campaign. I document the struggle between competing legibility and illegibility projects which I examine through two moments, one of the state choosing to see its population and their relations to territory, and another in which the state’s excuses for not recognizing smallholders’ claims began to falter.

Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

This article focuses on how climate change mitigation policies and economic land and mining concessions in Prey Lang, Cambodia, accommodate and facilitate each other physically, discursively and economically. Maps and project descriptions reveal that climate-related policies and extraction coexist in the same landscape, even the same projects. Knowledge co-produced by the authors and affected individuals suggests that climate change mitigation initiatives are not only intimately linked to economic intensification in Prey Lang, but they also contribute to conflict and dispossession.

Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure by the Parliamentary Land Investigation Commission in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2017

This study presents a country-wide quantitative analysis of the Parliamentary Land Investigation Commission reports that were released to the public. The aim is not just to analyze the information contained in the reports, but also to elicit information they do not reveal.

Guiding principles towards responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2017

A discussion note from Mekong Region Land governance (MRLG) summarizing findings and recommendations of a multi-stakeholder initiative and study tour conducted in Southern Laos, to study the social and environmental practices of two large scale companies holding large scale concessions in Lao PDR, published by MRLG in January 2017.

"We are feeling safe about our land now" GIZ Land Program Laos: Assessing the contribution to changes in land use, investments in land and perceived tenure security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2017

For the past decade, GIZ has supported participatory land use planning, land registration and land titling as a vehicle for sustainable rural development in Lao PDR. Following a number of predecessor programmes, the current Land Program (including Land Management and Decentralized Planning (LMDP) and Enhanced Land Tenure Security (ELTeS) projects) is active in the provinces of Luang Namtha, Sayabouri, Huaphan and Khammouane. This impact study focussed on some of the intermediary and longer-term changes that GIZ’s work in the land sector has been aiming to bring about in Laos.

Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Since small-scale farmers manage most of the cultivated land worldwide, the ongoing shift in systems of production associated with large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) may dramatically reshape the world's agrarian landscape, significantly impacting rural populations and their livelihoods. The societal, hydrological and environmental implications resulting from the expansion of large-scale agricultural production, through LSLAs, make their ultimate sustainability questionable.