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Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

África austral

The Act provides for soil conservation and livestock control. It harmonizes soil conservation activities in agriculture, livestock management and proper management of water resources. The Act contains provisions on range management and grazing control for communities to manage range resources in a sustainable manner, guaranteeing equal access.The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock.

Loi portant réglementation du camping.

Europa Ocidental

La susdit loi porte la réglementation relative au camping. L’article 1er établit qu’il est considéré comme terrain de camping public toute propriété mise publiquement à la disposition des campeurs ou occupée en fait et d'une manière habituelle par des groupes de campeurs. En outre, l’ouverture ou le maintien d'un terrain de camping public est soumis à une autorisation écrite du Membre du Gouvernement ayant dans ses attributions le tourisme, le médecin-inspecteur compétent entendu en son avis. Le texte comprend 9 articles.

Law on subsidy for natural disasters.

Europa Ocidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to subsidies in case of natural disasters. According to article 1, if inhabitants of the Canton sustain a damage resulting from natural disasters - such as inondations, avalanches, earthquake, landslides, storm, and lightning – they are entitled to obtain a subsidy from the Canton. The text consists of 20 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Conditions for the subsidy (I); Assessment of the subsidy (II); Legal provisions (III); Payment of the subsidy (IV); Proceedings (V); Administration of the Aid Fund (VI); Final provisions (VII).

Land Control Karachi Division Act, 1952.

Ásia Meridional

This Act prohibits the occupation of certain lands, and the building of structures on these without obtaining previous permission by the Authorized Officer. The Provincial Government shall declare these lands to be controlled areas for the purposes of this Act. Offences and penalties are provided for in the Act.

Renting Land for Cultivation Law, 1963.

Sudeste Asiático

This Law regulates the tenant and cultivating on the government land. It states that the government can announce the renting of any field or land from a specific date. The tenant farmer lay down by government or landlord must pay the tax to the landlord with the following rates. Renting fee is the same wage as the land for cultivating rice in the year. Renting fee is thrice the wage of cultivating Chili, Onion and Virginia in the year or special crop rate of Sugar cane. Renting fee is twice the wage of cultivating Chili, Onion and Virginia in the year.

Law declaring the western part of the island of Mljet National Park.

Europa meridional

This Law officially provides all necessary information, official borders and denominations for the declaration of the area of western part of the Croatian island “Mljet” as National Park, including the description of boundaries and coordinates.

Amended by: Law amending the Law declaring the western part of the island of Mljet National Park. (1997-01-24)

Soil Conservation Act 1951 (No. 25 of 1951).

Sri Lanka
Ásia Meridional

The Act aims at the conservation of soil resources for the prevention or mitigation of soil erosion and at the protection of land against damages by flood and drought. On the basis of surveys and investigations carried out by the Director of Agriculture for the purposes of ascertaining the nature and extent of soil erosion and of damages to land caused by floods and drought, the Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare any area to be an erodible area.

Ley Nº 1.540 - Ley de conservación de los recursos naturales renovables.

Costa Rica
América Central

La presente Ley, que consta de 19 artículos, tiene por finalidad promover la conservación, mejora y restauración de los suelos y las aguas, que son parte de los recursos naturales renovables del país (art. 1º). El Ministerio de Agricultura e Industrias será el organismos encargado de poner en práctica esta Ley (art. 3º); clasificará las diversas clases de suelos por su valor agronómico, estableciendo las zonas aptas para su explotación agrícola, ganadera y forestal (art. 4º).

Pas Geometriques Act.

África Oriental

This Act declares areas along the coast known as Pas Geometrique to be public domain and makes provision for the survey of lands in such kind of land areas, the grant of leases, rights of lessees, and prohibits dumping on Pas Geometriques. The Minister may grant leases of Pas Geometriques or annexes. The granting shall take place by private contract or public auction. A clause, which imposes the planting of trees on the lessee, shall be included in every lease contract. Cutting of trees on Pas Geometriques requires permission by the Minister and shall be included in the lease contract.

National Parks and Gardens Ordinance (No. 70 of 1966).

Papua-Nova Guiné

There is established a National Parks and Gardens Board as a body corporate under section 4.The constitution of the Board is defined in section 6. Functions of the Board include the management of reserved land and the management of other land entrusted to its care. “Reserved land” means land reserved by the Administrator under the Lands Ordinance 1962-1965 as national park, reserve, or sanctuaries for fauna or flora protection or similar purposes. Powers of the Board are set out in section 16. The Board may make by-laws in accordance with section 24.