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Zambia Mining Investment and Governance Review

Maio, 2016

The Zambia Mining Investment and
Governance Review (MInGov) collects and shares information on
mining sector governance, its attractiveness to investors
and how its activities affect national development. It
reviews sector performance from the perspective of three
main stakeholder groups– government, investors in the mining
value chain and civil society – and identifies gaps
between declared and actual government policy and practice.

Mali Financial Sector Assessment Program

Maio, 2016

The housing finance market in Mali
remains small and under developed. Few banks currently offer
a full mortgage product with Banque Malienne de Solidarite,
Mali Housing Bank (BHM), Bank of Africa, and EcoBank being
the main lenders although at minimal levels. The total
annual housing need in Mali based on the household formation
rate amounts to 82,500, split between 51,100 urban units and
31,400 rural units. Overall some social housing is

The Role of Regulation on Entry

Maio, 2016

This paper studies the effects of
differences in local administrative burdens in Italy in the
years 2005–2007 preceding a major reform that sped up firm
registration procedures. Combining regulatory data from a
survey on Italian provinces before the reform (costs and
time to start a business) with industry-level entry rates of
limited liability firms, it explores the effects of
regulatory barriers on the average of the annual entry rates

New Directions and New Partnerships

Maio, 2016

James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Group, addressed the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund. He discussed the context in which
the Bank operates today; the role of the Bank in
development now, and in the coming years; what the Bank can
do to achieve its objectives in an effective and accountable

Systematic Property Registration

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2016

This paper looks at a variety of technical issues, challenges, and problems that arise during systematic first registration programs, their causes and what can be done to deal with them. Its aim is to provide practical advice to those who are designing or engaged in first registration programs that use the systematic adjudication approach and also those who supervise such programs so that the issues covered in this paper can be eliminated or their negative impact reduced.

Women and Land in Africa

Reports & Research
Abril, 2016

This report sits at the intersection of gender, land administration and corruption – an important issue area that is largely under-researched. Women’s rights to access, control and own land are consistently challenged and restricted by the gendered nature of corruption in the land sector, which disproportionately affects women.

Myanmar-World Bank Group Partnership

Abril, 2016

Myanmar grew at an estimated 8.5 percent
in real terms in 2014-15. Economic reforms have supported
consumer and investor confidence despite business
environment and socio-political challenges. The economic
impact of the floods that hit Myanmar from July 2015 is
still being assessed, but will likely adversely affect the
main rice crop this year. According to preliminary analysis
of census data, the areas most affected by the floods are

Indonesia's Rising Divide

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2016
Ásia Oriental

In 2015, Indonesia stands as an increasingly divided country, unequal in many ways. There is a growing income divide between the richest 10 percent and the rest of the population, and this gap is driven by many other types of inequality in Indonesia.People are divided into haves and have-nots from before birth. Some children are born healthy and grow up well in their early years; many do not. Some children go to school and receive a quality education; many do not. In today’s modern and dynamic economy; most do not and are trapped in low-productivity and low-wage jobs.

Afghanistan Systematic Country Diagnostic

Março, 2016

Afghanistan is a deeply fragile and
conflict affected state. It has been in almost constant
conflict for over 35 years since the Soviet invasion of
1979. Today the country is at a crossroads in its
development with economic growth down sharply and poverty
incidence stubbornly high. Afghanistan faces tremendous
development challenges. Gross domestic product (GDP)
per-capita is among the lowest in the world, poverty is deep

An analysis of the impact of land-related corruption on women: case studies from Ghana and Zimbabwe

Policy Papers & Briefs
Fevereiro, 2016
This paper, presented at the 2016 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, explores the intersection between land corruption and women's access and ownership of land. Through analyzing a series of case studies, the paper notes that land access and ownership is increasingly defined by

variables such as power, patronage and politics.