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New frontiers of land control: Introduction

Setembro, 2011

Land questions have invigorated agrarian studies and economic history, with particular emphases on its control, since Marx. Words such as ‘exclusion’, ‘alienation’, ‘expropriation’, ‘dispossession’, and ‘violence’ describe processes that animate land histories and those of resources, property rights, and territories created, extracted, produced, or protected on land. Primitive and on-going forms of accumulation, frontiers, enclosures, territories, grabs, and racializations have all been associated with mechanisms for land control.

Landlessness and Insecurity: Obstacles to Reintegration in Afghanistan

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2011

The challenges faced by more than five and a half million Afghan refugees who have returned since 2002 receive scant regard in most international media or official proceedings concerning Afghanistan. Attention is primarily focused on Afghanistan’s intensified armed conflict, NATO’s withdrawal planning, and faltering peace efforts. Moreover, despite the millions of refugees who have returned in the past ten years, Afghans still comprise the world’s largest refugee population.

Advies robuuste verbinding Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2010

In opdracht van de Dienst Landelijk Gebied is het ontwerp voor een robuuste ecologische verbinding tussen de Biesbosch en Loevestein / Munnikenland getoetst. Onderzocht is of de geplande verbinding aan de ontwerprichtlijnen voor robuuste verbindingen voldoet en met welke aanpassingen het functioneren van de verbindingszone eventueel zou kunnen worden verbeterd. Tevens is onderzocht of de inrichting van de robuuste verbinding aansluit bij of conflicteert met de wensen voor landschapsinrichting vanuit het herstelplan Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie.

Robuuste verbinding Holterberg-Haaksbergerveen : toetsing gevolgen aanpassing van doelen

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2010

In opdracht van het ministerie van LNV en in samenwerking met de provincie Overijssel is dit advies opgesteld. Er is een geplande Robuuste verbindingszone Holterberg-Haaksbergerveen, met het hoogste ambitie niveau B3. Deze verbinding zou moeten fungeren als bosverbinding, met grasland en klein water. LNV Directie Oost met de provincie Overijssel heeft verzocht te onderzoeken wat de effecten zijn op het functioneren van de verbinding.

Local Employment Growth, Migration, and Public Land Policy: Evidence from the Northwest Forest Plan

Reports & Research
Julho, 2010
United States of America

Debates over protecting public land reveal two views. Some argue protection reduces commodity production, reducing local employment and increasing out-migration. Others contend protection produces amenities that support job growth and attract migrants. We test these competing views for the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP), which reallocated 11 million acres of federal land from timber production to protecting old-growth forest species. We find evidence that land protection directly reduced local employment growth and increased net migration.

Food insecurity in fragile lands: Philippine cases through the livelihood lens

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the nature and scope of the linkages between the resource environments, livelihoods and food security of households and individuals. These are analyzed using the livelihood systems framework with the biophysical environment as the entry point. The biophysical and socio-economic environments are investigated as the conditioning and influencing factors that help define the relationships along the production-consumption continuum. The context is spatial, in this case that of fragile areas, where most of the poor and food insecure live and work.

Geography vs. Institutions at the Village Level

Policy Papers & Briefs
Outubro, 2007

textabstractThere is a well-known debate about the respective roles of geography versus institutions in explaining the long-term development of countries. These debates have usually been based on cross-country regressions where questions about parameter heterogeneity, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogeneity cannot easily be controlled for. The innovation of Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) was to address this last point by using settler mortality as an instrument for endogenous institutions and found that this supported their line of reasoning.

Rural Livelihoods in Three Mountainous Regions of Tajikistan

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2007

This article uses data from household income surveys to look at income structures amongst households in three mountainous regions of Tajikistan: Gorno-Badakhshan, the Rasht Valley and Eastern Khatlon. The structure of incomes demonstrates the dominant role of subsistence agriculture in all three regions although commercial agriculture is important amongst better-off households in Rasht. Relationships between poverty and household characteristics including access to capital, demographic variables and income-generating activities were examined.

Quelles lois pour résoudre les problèmes liés au foncier en Côte d’Ivoire ?

Journal Articles & Books
Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2006
Côte d'Ivoire

« Le succès de ce pays repose sur l’agriculture », ce slogan longtemps véhiculé par les médias ivoiriens depuis des décennies est en passe de devenir un leurre ou mythe, tant la situation agricole et la situation foncière sont progressivement devenues colporteuses de tensions sociales et politiques dans ce pays en guerre depuis septembre 2002. Afin de structurer le secteur agricole florissant, de nombreuses politiques et réformes se sont succédées.

Liens entre milieu rural et milieu urbain, migration saisonnière et réduction de la pauvreté en Asie. Le rôle de la migration circulaire dans la croissance économique.

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2006

Le caractère « plurilocal » des systèmes de subsistance ruraux est nettement plus prononcé qu'on ne le pense souvent, de nombreuses personnes du milieu rural passant une partie de l'année hors de leur village dans des emplois non agricoles. Contrairement à une théorie déjà ancienne, la migration circulaire (ou saisonnière) dans un même pays ou entre pays voisins est maintenant reconnue comme le type de migration des pauvres. Cela n'est nulle part plus évident qu'en Asie.