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Guidance note for peace-informed programming at the Green Climate Fund: Infrastructure and built environment.

Dezembro, 2022

Infrastructure projects in fragile and conflict affected settings are susceptible to numerous operational challenges, which might inadvertently escalate existing socio-economic and political tensions. Infrastructure, being intricately connected to the daily lives and societal needs of communities, often becomes a flashpoint in conflicts. Essential systems like water, energy, and transportation are not just physical assets; they represent broader social, economic, and political structures that can be either symbols of progress or points of contention.

A framework to monitor crop-specific drought and flood impacts using remote sensing datasets

Dezembro, 2022

Weather triggered hazards such as drought and flooding have negative impacts on society and agriculture. Drought can lead to reduced access to drinking water, lower agricultural productivity, and conflicts over water resources. Flooding causes loss of agricultural production, damages infrastructure, and leads to socio-economic losses. The report aims to develop a guiding framework to create a Combined Drought and Flood Index (CDFI) for monitoring crop-specific agricultural drought and flood conditions.

Getting ahead of the game: Experiential learning for groundwater governance in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2022

The goal of this study is to assess the potential of game-based experiential learning in raising awareness and stimulating discussions about groundwater resource systems, the social dilemma in groundwater management, and the need for institutional arrangements (rules) governing this shared resource, as well as whether such awareness and community discussions lead to actual change in groundwater governance in Ethiopia. Groundwater management is highly complex, with many users sharing the same resource often without realizing their interconnectedness.

An index for enabling socially inclusive digital innovation processes in food, land, and water systems

Dezembro, 2022

Currently metrics for assessing digital inclusivity focus on evaluating the outcomes of digital innovation rather than the process of developing such innovations. Digital inclusivity has five different dimensions, spanning both technical and social aspects, and therefore requires a holistic approach to attain. We propose a digital inclusivity index as a holistic and standard guideline for enabling digital inclusivity in food land and water systems.

A capacity-building toolkit for integrated rice–fish system

Dezembro, 2022

Increased reliance on fertilizers and pesticides in rice production has proven unsustainable and ineffective due to soil depletion and pesticide-induced pest outbreaks, rising fertilizer costs, and the negative effects of pesticide and fertilizer use on human health and the environment. The integrated rice-fish system offers a large range of environmental, economic, and social benefits by improving diversification, intensification, profitability, and sustainability through the complementary utilization of land and water uses.

Climate change, transformative adaptation options, multiscale polycentric governance, and rural welfare in Oum Er-Rbia River Basin, Morocco: policy recommendations

Dezembro, 2022

This policy report is based on an analysis that delineates possible impacts pathways characterized by various configurations of climatic, economic, policy, technical, institutional, infrastructural, and welfare-related variables through which climate change’s impacts are transmitted ultimately on rural welfare at the grassroots level.

Conservation agriculture has no significant impact on sheep digestive parasitism

Dezembro, 2022

Conservation agriculture (CONS A) is a sustainable agriculture system based on crop rotation with no tillage. It has various environmental advantages compared to conventional agriculture (CONV A): decreased water evaporation, erosion, and CO2 emissions. In this first study of its kind, we aim to evaluate the impact of this type of agriculture on sheep gastrointestinal parasites. Two lamb groups aged between 5 and 10 months were randomly included to graze separately on CONS A and CONV A pastures.

How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Sudan? Climate Security Pathway Analysis

Dezembro, 2022

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Sudan, using an impact pathway analysis. Two main impact pathways are identified: 1. Resource Availability and Access: Climate variability and extreme events are putting pressure on land, water and pasture while increasing desertification is pushing pastoralists ever further south in their quest to feed their livestock. 2. Livelihood and Food Security: Climate variability is reducing agricultural production in Sudan, leading to high food insecurity and protests.

Safe and just Earth system boundaries

Dezembro, 2022

The stability and resilience of the Earth system and human well-being are inseparably linked1-3, yet their interdependencies are generally under-recognized; consequently, they are often treated independently4,5. Here, we use modelling and literature assessment to quantify safe and just Earth system boundaries (ESBs) for climate, the biosphere, water and nutrient cycles, and aerosols at global and subglobal scales.

Towards climate and water smart Olive system in Morroco C4S olive irrigation decision support pool

Dezembro, 2022

This multiscale irrigation decision tool aims at helping Farmers and agriculture/water managers at basin level get better yield predictions according to water and climate stress to guide scaling of new water saving irrigation techniques with minimal productivity trade-off. Experiment and C4S yield gap prediction tool development in good progress. Drought impact study on olive systems in past years (6th consecutive agronomic year)Living lab set up. Extension strategy discussed with Altmoutmir (potential outreach 3500 farmers) and IRD/Naila (transfer Citrig advisory app Tunisia/Morocco).