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Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2005

Az árvízvédelmi töltések védelmében, az árvizek levonulásában, ezáltal ma-gában az árvízvédelemben a gyepesítésnek jelentős szerepe van. Gazdaságossá-gát nem lehet egzakt módon bizonyítani, hiszen míg a létesítési és fenntartási költségeket egyértelműen meghatározhatjuk, a bevételi oldal összetett és nehezen számszerűsíthető. Az árvízvédelmi földgátak gyepesítésének társadalmi hasznossága és gazda-sági előnye mégis vitathatatlan:-közvetlen gazdasági haszon: pl.

Kansen voor natuur binnen Losser; achtergronddocument natuur

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2001

Deze publicatie gaat over de toekomst van natuur in het landinrichtingsgebied Losser en is een van de achtergronddocumenten die in opdracht van de Dienst Landelijk Gebied zijn opgesteld, waarin het behoud en herstel van natuur- en landschapswaarden ende realisatie van de ecologische hoofdstructuur (EHS) centraal staan. Hierbij is de rol voor de terreinbeherende organisaties alhier - Staatsbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten, Stichting Edwina van Heek en Landschap Overijssel - van groot belang.

Land Reform in Uzbekistan

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 1998

FIRST PARAGRAPH OF CHAPTER: Uzbekistan emerged as an independent state in September l99l with a legacy of an undiversified monocultural agriculture heavily specialized in cotton. During the Soviet era, cotton production in Uzbekistan registered persistent gains from the very beginning of collectivization in 1928, often at the expense of wheat and other cereals.

Landschapsplanning en watersystemen in de zandgebieden van Nederland : naar een watersysteembenadering voor landschapsplanning, toegespitst op de ruimtelijke problematiek van de Nederlandse zandgebieden

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 1997

Landscape planning and hydrological systems in the pleistocene sandy areas of the Netherlands

The main theme of this doctoral thesis is the relationship between landscape architecture and hydrology. Knowledge of hydrological processes - with the stress on the resulting spatial and temporal relationships - is applied for purposes of landscape planning. To this, the situation of the landscapes in the Dutch pleistocene sandy areas is central.

Prologue (Chapter 1)


Peer-reviewed publication

Lakes are integrator of environmental changes occurring at a regional to global scale and present a high variety of behaviors on a variety of time scale. Their crucial importance as water stocks and retaining given the significant environmental changes occurring worldwide at many anthropocentric levels has increased the necessity of monitoring all its morphodynamic characteristics i.e. water level, surface area and volume.

Reciprocal Implications of Water and Land Acquisitions for Investments in Ethiopia: Risks of Water Insecurities and Regulatory Responses in Tigray Region

Peer-reviewed publication

The multiple forms of land acquisitions show direct and indirect implications on water. The motive to utilize, control or grab water is devised through acquiring land. There are embedded water issues in almost all land acquisitions. Practical challenges are explored especially in keeping the balance of water securities. The paper is done with the objective of analyzing the water implications, balance, priority and extent of security given to users in lieu of water security indicators and then examined against the regulatory frameworks and responses.