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The Second-Level Land Certification in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2023

This report provides an overview of land administration and certification efforts in Ethiopia, focusing on the Second-Level Land Certification (SLLC) program. As the most populous landlocked country in the world, Ethiopia's economy heavily relies on agriculture, making land tenure security and sustainable management crucial for livelihoods and food security.

Chad - An Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities in the Development of the Agriculture Subsector

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2021

This Chad agriculture subsector review investigates the state of knowledge, key gaps and recent developments in relation to constraints to the sector and proposes policy actions and levers for future structural transformation of the sector. First, the report examines the opportunities for further development of the most important cash and staple crop value chains in Chad. Then it uses the latest open data and analytics available for Chad to better inform investment priorities for agriculture in the country.

Caractérisation De La Dynamique Spatio-Temporelle De La Plaine Inondable Du Noun (Cameroun) À L’Aide D’Images Satellites

Dezembro, 2021

In Cameroon, the pressure on wetlands, which cover nearly 70% of the national territory, appears to be increasing, whether for subsistence needs, firewood, grazing, logging or expansion of development projects. Currently, in terms of land use, forest has decreased by 619 km² and cultivated land has increased by 321 km². The surface area of degraded forests and land is estimated at around 12 million hectares, with a general trend towards an increase in the phenomenon due to both natural and anthropogenic factors.

Open Up Guide for Land Governance, Version 2.0 (following public comments)

Manuals & Guidelines
Setembro, 2021

The Open Up Guide on Land Governance is a resource  aimed to be used by governments from developing countries to collect and release land-related data to improve data quality, availability, accessibility and use for improved citizen engagement, decision making and innovation. It sets out:

  1. Key datasets for land management accountability, and how they should be collected, stored, shared and published for improving land governance and transparency;

Guide pour l’ouverture des donnees ouvertes pour une meilleure gouvernance fonciere

Manuals & Guidelines
Setembro, 2021

Les Open Up Guides sont des outils pratiques développés par l’ODC et ses partenaires thématiques pour aider les gouvernements et d’autres acteurs à utiliser la publication d’ensembles de données stratégiques pour relever les principaux défis politiques. Ils s’appuient sur des preuves pratiques tout en recueillant des enseignements pour s’assurer que les normes mondiales sont applicables localement.

Spatial aspect of fit-for-purpose land administration for emerging land administration systems: a conceptual framework for evaluation approach

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021

Fit-for-purpose land administration (FFPLA) concept is widely applied in the emerging land administration systems (LASs). This paper aims to contribute to the development of evaluation of the spatial aspect of FFPLA. A review of evaluation models for LASs is made in relation with rationale of FFPLA to identify gaps related to evaluation of a FFPLA and to build up milestones and measurement criteria.

Inclusive Land Registration and the Critical Role of Social Development Officers

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2020

This guide identifies lessons learned and outlines critical steps that countries can apply to their own rural land administration programs as they strive to ensure these programs become more gender and socially inclusive. The document provides a valuable learning resource to help governments and communities implement inclusive land programs.

Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to Assess the Availability of Spatial Data and Data Sharing Mechanisms in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

This paper aims at analysing the extent to which spatial data are accessed and shared among stakeholders. It also uses Social Network Analysis to investigate institutional and individual behaviour in that process. Finally, it investigates the level of cooperation of all involved actors towards Spatial Data Infrastructure development. Results showed that public and private organizations have been individually engaged data collection and management. However, they are still using different standards and this has led to some disparities in terms of spatial data quality.

Towards an open up guide on land governance

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2020

This report provides a summary of an online workshop on March 16th 2020, organised in place of a planned fringe meeting of the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2-hour digital workshop brought together over 40 participants from across the world to discuss key data and key open data use-cases for land governance. This report is written based on workshop recordings and shared notes.

Evaluating Spatial Data Acquisition and Management Techniques for Multipurpose Cadastre in Ethiopia and Rwanda (Preliminary Results)

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2019

Spatial data are a basis in development of multipurpose cadastre. This paper aims to evaluate spatial data acquisition and management techniques for multipurpose cadastre in Ethiopia and Rwanda. The research was conducted using a qualitative research method, a review of existing literature on spatial data acquisition and management techniques for cadastral purposes. The empirical data have also been collected.

Mutations du système agraire dans le Département de la Nya, région du Logone Oriental au Sud du Tchad

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2017

La région du Logone Oriental est une zone pétrolifère à vocation
agricole. Plus de 80 % de la population vit des activités agropastorales. Dans
les années 2000, la croissance de la population et la mise en place des
infrastructures pétrolières a conduit à une restriction des terres agricoles. Dans le
contexte de l’exploitation pétrolière, la terre a pris une autre importance. Elle
est disputée par les pétroliers pour l’installation de leurs infrastructures et par
les populations rurales pour l’exploitation agricole. L’objet de la présente

LANDM and IndoorGML for support of Indoor Space identification

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2016

Guidance and security in large public buildings such as airports, museums and shopping malls requires much more information that traditional 2D methods offer. Therefore 3D semantically-reach models have been actively investigated with the aim to gather knowledge about availability and accessibility of spaces. Spaces can be unavailable to specific users because of plenty of reasons: the 3D geometry of spaces (too low, too narrow), the properties of the objects to be guided to a specific part of the building (walking, driving, flying), the status of the indoor environment (e.g.