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Policy Papers & Briefs
Janeiro 2014

<em>Indigenous farmer in the municipality of Sayaxché, department of Petén, Guatemala, viewing the stunted corn crop on his land bordering an oil palm plantation. </em>
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As international negotiations on what constitutes <a href="…

Dezembro 2013

The United Nations declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming. Although many forms of production were once family-based, agriculture is now one of the few that are still dominated by families. Because family farms are so prevalent, making them more productive could help combat…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2013

We estimate the impact of Bolsa Família on a range of education outcomes, including school participation, grade progression, grade repetition, and dropout rates. Using a large-sample household panel survey from 2005–2009 collected for this evaluation, we develop a statistically balanced…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2013

  El Foro Rural Mundial es un foro de encuentro, análisis y observatorio de desarrollo rural que abarca ampliamente cinco continentes y se define como una red de organizaciones agrarias y civiles, institutos y colectivos vinculados al mundo rural.  Actualmente dinamiza el Año Internacional de la…

Dezembro 2013

This objective of this study is to augment the regional and international dialogue on the Green Economy in the context of inclusive and sustainable development. It sets out a path to transition to a greener economy with a sector-approach.
Much of the interest in green economy, in the…

Dezembro 2013

In Latin America, government interventions in land grabbing processes provide some preliminary lessons on dealing with this phenomenon, while highlighting some serious threats.
This Brief presents cases of land grabbing in Latin America and explores the controversy around this phenomenon.…

Dezembro 2013

Climate change is expected to alter existing coastal habitats in Grenada, jeopardizing the island's mangroves, such as through the conversion of basin mangroves to fringe habitats as storm surges open barrier beaches, increasing tidal action and flood duration.
Likewise, incremental…

Dezembro 2013

Greater investment in agriculture is needed to reduce rural poverty and improve food security; but how investment is made, its context and conditions, is at least as important as how much is invested.
Case studies of large-scale agricultural investment in Paraguay, Guatemala and Colombia…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2013

O informe de avanços Cartografia dos sítios sagrados do Noroeste Amazônico que apresentamos a seguir, é uma compilação de exemplos e experiências que buscam dar conta, por um lado, da riqueza cultural e ambiental constituída pelos sistemas de lugares sagrados do Noroeste Amazônico; por outro, da…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2013

This article aims specific markets agricultural land prices determination and forecast using hedonic prices methodology. The absence of official or trustworthy information on land prices makes this very important in Brazil. This multiple regression model has as dependent variable the price per…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2013

O livro promove uma atualização do debate brasileiro sobre o desenvolvimento capitalista tardio, periférico e dependente, bem como sobre o fenômeno do “desenvolvimentismo”. Nesses termos, retoma a tradição crítica e reformista brasileira da “construção nacional interrompida” do Mestre…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2013

A história da agricultura mundial no último meio século tem sido, sobretudo, a história de transformações produtivas, impulsionadas pela ciência e pela intensificação tecnológica, e a resultante expansão da capacidade produtiva, pari passu com o crescimento da demanda de alimentos.…