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Displaying 349 - 360 of 713
Janeiro 2013

In Mesoamerica, coffee is an important part of agricultural GDP and export revenues which supports about half a million farmers, and employs millions of people on the farms and all along the supply chain. This policy brief summarises the potential risks and impacts of climate change on coffee…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2012

The purpose of the research summarized in this paper is to provide policy-relevant knowledge on the governance of rural services in Guatemala and thus to contribute to improving the provision of services that are essential for agricultural and rural development. Based on quantitative and…

Dezembro 2012

Governments in a number of countries are trying to address concerns about land grabbing by closing their borders to foreign investors. Are these restrictions effective?
Not really, says GRAIN. They give the impression that something is being done at the highest level and appeal to…

Dezembro 2012

How have Latin American countries been using Environmental Impact Assessments in order to build more sustainable extractive industries? A focus on Peru provides some interesting lessons.
Is it possible to develop extractive industries while preserving the environment? Several Latin…

Dezembro 2012

Payments  for  ecosystem  services (PES)  provide a market based instrument to motivate changes in land use that degrade ecosystem services. This investigation sought  to better understand how effective PES schemes are in meeting the goals of safeguarding ecosystem services,  while  also …

Dezembro 2012

Drawing upon several sources of information and types of analysis, including literature reviews, field visits and rapid participatory assessments, this paper provides a critical assessment of land-related development policies and projects over the past two decades in Central America. Reflections…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2012

We introduce this special issue by explaining seven characteristics
of land grabbing in Latin America. These features are not unique
to the region. By highlighting them – arguing, for instance, that a
key aspect in Latin America is intra-…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2012

Para las mujeres que integramos la Red Centroamericana de Mujeres Rurales Indígenas y Campesinas (RECMURIC) es una gran satisfacción presentar este Estudio que contiene información muy importante que ha brotado de lo más profundo del ser de las mujeres rurales indígenas y campesinas de…

Dezembro 2012

La legislación debe garantizar que las normas que regulan la administración de tierras y su registro y las políticas de reforma agraria protegen los derechos de las mujeres y promueven la igualdad de género.

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2012

Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2012

Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2012

Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…