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Displaying 1501 - 1512 of 1761

This Act consists of 40 sections and is divided into seven Parts: Preliminary; Public surveys; Registration of surveyors; Entry to land for survey purposes; Offences; The Board of Surveying and Spatial Information and Miscellaneous. The Act repeals the Surveyors Act 1929 and related instruments…


This Act amends the Public Lands and Resources Act by; giving definitions of “Adjoining lands”, “Land-fill”, "Lands reclaimed from marine areas below the ordinary high water mark" or "reclaimed lands", "Marine areas below the ordinary high water mark" and "…


This Act, consisting of 58 sections divided into 15 Parts and completed by one Schedule, establishes measures for facilitating sales, leases, and other disposition of settled land, etc. Under the Act, “settlement” includes “an instrument or instruments which under this Act or the corresponding…


These Regulations are made under section 202 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. They provides for the following: (a) the manner and form of giving notice required to be given by the Planning and Environment Act 1987; and (b) methods of serving notices or other documents under the Act; and…


The objective of these Regulations, consisting of four sections and one Form, is to prescribe the method for calculating the reasonable costs of negotiating land use activities. For the purposes of section 52(2) of the Act, the prescribed method for calculating the reasonable costs of…


"Irrigation scheme" is defined as any water supply works constructed by or on behalf of the Minister of Works and Development or the Minister of Agriculture under Part XIX of the Public Works Act 1981, and includes (a) Pipelines, canals, water races, dams, weirs, and other facilities…


This Regulation provides for the grant of land as Torres Strait Islander land, it consists of 60 sections and is divided into nine Parts. It contains the procedure for the granting of transferable land as Torres Strait Islanders land and regulates claims for claimable land and the grant of…


These Regulations implement the Heritage Act 1995 by prescribing various forms and documentation required under the Act, setting the fees payable for the issue of certain permits, consents and certificates and regulating exemptions and waives from the payment of fees.
Implements: Heritage…


This Act defines: the liability of an occupier of a leased area or premises including a leased or licensed area under the Marine Farming Act 1971 in respect of visitors or licensees of the leased premises; and the relationship with respect to liability between a tenant and landlord. The Act also…


The Act, consisting of 11 Parts and 1 Schedule, divided into 165 Sections, establishes the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act. The main object of this Act is: (a) to provide a framework for identifying and satisfying entitlements to grants of leases that are outstanding under…


The Act provides for the planning of land and water use and the creation of zones for specific purposes. Section 3 sets out the tasks of the Chief Planner, who shall be an adviser in planning to central and local authorities. Every local government council shall establish a planning commission…


This Act provides rules relative to the establishment of liens and legal consequences of liens and related procedural requirements. It also concerns land subject to a lien and provides for administration of the Act.