The implicit hydrologic dimensions of international efforts to mitigate climate change, specifically potential impacts of the Clean Development Mechanism-Afforestation/Reforestation (CDM-AR) provisions of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) on global, regional and local water cycles, are examined. The…
This reports summarizes and synthesizes activities and achievements of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) through the end of 2007. The CPWF is an intiative of the CGIAR designed to take on the global challenge of water scarcity and food security. It is an international, multi-…
The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) brings together scientists, development
specialists, and communities, in nine river basins across Africa, Asia and Latin America, to address
challenges of water scarcity, food security and poverty.
Some CPWF projects seek to…
This occasional paper is the result of research carried out from 2006 to 2008 on the effects of new tenure rights for forest-based communities in Latin America on access to forest resources and benefits. Focused on seven different regions in four countries, the paper examines changes in…
This study adopts an institutional approach to analyze the way in which informal rules, in their interaction with formal rules, shape the use of forest resources by diverse types of smallholders and communities (i.e., indigenous people, agro-extractive and traditional communities) in Latin…
High elevation páramo (wetland) ecosystems in the Andes are important water sources for local communities and downstream agricultural and urban users. These headwater catchments, however, are often impacted by human activities (eg agricultural production) that affect both stream water quality…
The overall objective of this research was to determine whether and how the institutional environment influences the establishment and performance of Community Forest Enterprises (CFEs) in Bolivia. This study defines CFEs as organizations that: (1) manage collectively owned forests in name of…
La Comunidad Andina de Naciones ha intentado emular en la mayor parte de las etapas al proceso seguido por la UE, en particular en la práctica de desarrollar instituciones análogas como condición necesaria para avanzar en el proceso integracionista. A partir de fuentes bibliográficas y…
¿Dónde está el problema del desarrollo rural?
Hubert Mazurek*
15 de diciembre de 2008
Es necesario un gran debate sobre la construcción de una política de desarrollo territorial, que facilite la gestión y no que intente hacerla.
Territorio y desarrollo
En América…
Este texto muestra cómo las comunidades de hoy están ante el desafío de emprender un papel protagónico en la constitución del Estado nacional y de su propio desarrollo con las autonomías indígenas originarias campesinas y para ello están poniendo en práctica sus mecanismos de resolución de…
Many questions about customary legal developments go unexplained if no recourse is made to the connection between legal and economic systems. Since time immemorial they interact, justify and fertilise each other. Most of all, if we believe that customary laws and justice develop and transform…