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The purpose of the present Law is to safeguard the public interest on the occasion of the transfer of land or parts thereof, taking into account the need to comply with the principles of a sustainable protection of the environment, nature and landscape. The text consists of 41 articles divided…


The purpose of the present Law is to conserve and protect the soil against harmful effects, in particular against erosion, densification of the soil and hazardous substances, and to improve and restore the health of the soil. To reach this aim everyone shall behave in such a way as to reduce…


The present Ordinance implements article 12 of the Styria Agricultural Soil Protection Law (LGBl. No. 66/1987). The Ordinance consists of 11 articles as follows: Quality of sewage sludge and compost (1); Quality of agricultural land (2); Authorized threshold values for sewage sludge and the soil…


The present Ordinance implements article 2of the Soil Protection Law (LGBl. No. 66/1987). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to a soil protection programme in agriculture. Article 1 establishes that with a view to the type of cultivation regular inspections of the soil…


The aim of the present Law is the: a) general overview of land use planning and development of the region; b) coordination of land use planning elements; c) participation on all levels. The text consists of 54 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Tasks of town and country planning and land…


The present Ordinance implements various articles of the Federal Land Consolidation Act in its consolidated version of 16 March 1976 (BGBl. I p. 546). The Ordinance establishes the competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of the above-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 4…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to the delimitation of land. Section 1 establishes that the purpose of delimitation is to make visible borders of land parcels by marking devices. The text consists of 27 sections divided into7 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Rights and…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to geo-information and surveying in the Land Brandenburg. Part 1 concerns geo-information and Part 2 deals with official surveying. Part 2 consists of 5 chapters as follows: Tasks, contents and of geo-information systems (1); Cadastre procleedings (2…


The present Ordinance implements the Council Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. The Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the use of sewage sludge in agriculture in such a way as to prevent…


The present Law implements various articles of the Land Consolidation Act. Article 1 establishes that the competent authority for land consolidation is the Cadastre and Survey Office and is responsible for the whole Land of Bremen. The text consists of 15 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows…


The present Law lays down provisions dealing with the measurement and survey of land, as well as with the Land Cadastre. Article 1 establishes that the Survey Service shall create and conserve a geodetic basis for a general land survey, record and describe the national territory in geographical…


The purpose of the present Act is to create a uniforme basis for the valuation of agricultural crop land with a view to taxation. Furthermore, the land valuation also serves , inter alia, for the protection of soil and to set up a soil information system. The text consists of 20 articles divided…