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Reports & Research
Novembro 2000

Meeting symbol/code: FO:NEFC/2000/REP
Session: Sess. 14

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 1997
Reports & Research
Novembro 1996

This paper outlines FAO's past and present activities on combating desertification, with particular emphasis on the Near East Region, in an attempt to mobilise all the potential efforts towards the establishment of an adequate strategy to enable this particular part of the world to build…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 1993

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, les ressources en eau de plus en plus limitées et la mauvaise utilisation de l’eau douce mettent en péril le développement durable. Plus des deux tiers de l’eau prélevée dans les fleuves, lacs et nappes aquifères étant utilisés pour l’irrigation, l’…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 1992

En muchas partes del mundo la escasez cada vez mayor de agua y el mal uso de agua dulce plantea graves problemas al desarrollo sostenible. Como más de dos tercios del agua que se toma de los ríos, lagos y acuíferos de la tierra se destinan al riego, la agricultura se considera una válvula de…


This Law is composed of 6 Chapters divided into 34 articles. Chapter I deals with terms and definitions. Chapter II provides for ownership expropriation steps and measures, estimation measures and compensation and complaint. Chapter III refers to provisions related to the temporary taking…


This Law is composed of 4 Chapters divided into 25 articles. Chapter I deals with definitions and terms and defines the steps for the concession and exploitation of State lands. Chapter II provides for the definition of private State lands, concession rights, exploitation rights, ownership…


This Regulation consists of 7 Sections divided into 23 articles. Section I establishes the Cadastre and Documentation Department of the Ministry of Justice and defines its duties. Section II deals with land ownership rights. Section III pertains to booking and registration. Section IV and V…


This Resolution is composed of 12 articles. Article 1 deals with the establishment and management of the Central Committee for Complaint related to the land expropriation for public utilities under the control of the Minister of Agriculture and Municipality Affairs. Article 2 defines duties and…


This Resolution is composed of 5 articles. Article 1 establishes the Cadastre Committee with the competence to study the examination result carried out by the Cadastre and Documentation Department and to take the final decision related to the approval or refuse of the land registration. Article…


This Resolution is composed of 3 Sections divided into 28 articles. Section I deals with the management; and competencies and duties of the Director of the Cadastre and Documentation Department. Section II provides for the Cadastre (Land Registration). Section III defines registration measures,…


This Resolution is composed of 21 articles. Article 1 authorizes the creation of industrial zones outside cities and villages by a resolution issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Municipality Affairs including the site, area and borders which shall enter into force after the approval of the…