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La presente Ley Foral tiene por objeto la regulación de la actividad de ordenación del territorio, de la actividad urbanística y el régimen de utilización del suelo y de los instrumentos de intervención en el mercado del suelo en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra.
Enmendado por: Ley Foral Nº 5…


Agricultural and rural regulations in Greece are governed by a scattered legislation, making its use and application difficult. Such situation does not correspond to the modern needs, since the management of the agricultural immovable property is applied through the Rural Code which was ratified…


Pursuant to paragraph 5, article 7 of Law 4061/2012 concerning the concession fee of rural immovable property (on a lower price as an incentive for certain categories of farmers) and provided the provisions of the same law (paragraph 5, article 7, Law 4061/2012) which authorize the Minister of…


La presente Ley tiene por objeto la establece un régimen de medidas urgentes en materia de ordenación del territorio y urbanismo más flexible y ágil, en el que, sin renunciar a los trámites necesarios para garantizar la corrección jurídica de la decisión que se adopte, se facilite la instrucción…


This Law regulates the conditions, standards and manner for safe, orderly and free performance of the railway traffic and functioning of the railway system as an important part of the Croatian infrastructure and economy, with a particular regard for the environment impact and possible damage to…


La presente Ley regula el régimen de las viviendas rurales sostenibles, que podrá implantarse en todo suelo no sujeto a protección sectorial.
Revocado por: Ley Nº 1/2016 - Deroga la Ley Nº 5/2012, Ley de Viviendas Rurales Sostenibles. (2016-03-29)


This Regulation prescribes the conditions, criteria, and method of awarding the state aid to small employers on islands to preserve jobs, and determining the rights and obligations of the Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development and the island's employers in order to sustain the…


The Regulation defines the contents of the Sustainable Island Development Program and the methodology for the implementation of prescribed measures.This Regulation prescribes certain rules necessary for the correct application of the Program in order to determine the developmental decisions and…


This Regulation amends certain provisions of articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of the Regulation on conditions, criteria, and method for granting the state aid for island employers (Official Gazette 77/2006).Changes are related to the general provisions governing the criteria for determining of the…


These Regulations provide a framework for the integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from industrial activities. They also lay down rules designed to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions into air, water and land and to prevent the generation of waste, in…


These Regulations lay down rules for the integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from certain industrial activities. They also lay down rules designed to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions into air, water and land and to prevent the generation of waste…


These provisions lay down some amendments to the Nitrates Action Programme Regulations as regards slurry and requirements relating to the manner of land application of fertilizers. New provisions concerning penalties are laid down as well.
Amends: Nitrates Action Programme Regulations,…