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24 Março 2023

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Strengthening Reintegration Capacity for Burundian Returnees through Housing, Land, Property (HLP), Shelter, W


Following the signing of tripartite agreements between the Government of Burundi, UNHCR as well as well as respectively the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania and Rwanda, an estimated 142,000 Burundians are expected to return in 2021 (UNHCR). This number, comprising both voluntary returns and spontaneous returns, is also stressed by recently reported forced returns from the United Republic of Tanzania. The general objective of this project is to contribute to national efforts in strengthening the reintegration capacity for Burundian returnees and displaced populations within communities, through (i) improved access to land following awareness-raising of displaced/host communities on Housing, Land and Property (HLP), HLP related issues and capacity building of local authorities, and (ii) improved absorptive capacity of host communities for returnees through the provision of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) and shelter facilities, (iii) delivery of direct assistance and services to meet land access-related protection needs and risks experienced by returnees, including through mapping of services, referrals, and case management, and (iv) improved mental health of returnees’ through mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), and implementation of social cohesion activities for individuals in return areas.


LAND-at-scale Burundi: Amahoro @ Scale – An integrated approach towards improved tenure security and land gove


Burundi has the world’s highest hunger score and around 45 percent of the population is affected by food insecurity. The country copes with increasing scarcity of land as a result of increasing population size, returnees and IDPs and climate change. With the majority of Burundians depending on agriculture for their food and livelihoods, land scarcity makes this reliance on agriculture precarious. This pressure on land causes elevated levels of land disputes with over 55% of all court cases being related to conflicts over land. The results of these disputes are often highly uncertain, as land is commonly not registered and no good documentation of ownership or use rights exists. ZOA has successfully implemented Land Tenure Registration projects in the Makamba-province, but the sustainability of the local land offices (SFCs) remains an issue, as well as guaranteeing gender equality in land governance.The objective of this LAND-at-scale project is to improve tenure security of women and men, conflict resolution and to create the basis for improved agricultural production, access to justice and sustainable, climate smart agri-businesses. This will be done through the following project strategies:1) Implementing the land tenure registration approach in Nyanza Lac through the operationalization of the SFCs.2) Ensuring local land conflict resolution mechanisms can effectively resolve land conflicts in Nyanza Lac.3) Developing a business case that will result in the rollout of (financially) sustainable SFCs at national level, which is validated through multistakeholder engagements.


Burundi Women's Associations


CAFOB IMPACT AND LONG-TERM OUTCOME The improved practices and policies of the Burundian government and other stakeholders such asprivate sector, allow cooperatives / farmers' organisations, especially the women farmer, to be heard and to have access to farminginputs, land and to decent work. TARGETED OUTCOMES TARGETED OUTCOME(S): Improved policies Government : (1) Legal recognition of land access/ compulsory registration of women#s/wife#s farmers on land titles; (2) Laws and regulations governing the agricultural sector are (changed) in favour of farmers and/or famers# organisations TARGETED OUTCOME: (3) Women effectively participate in governance and leadership bodies at local level, especially in the farmers associations' structure. TARGETED OUTCOME(S): Strengthened CSOs: (4) A sustainable peasant seeds system is strongly supported by enabled advisory frameworks of Civil Society Organisations, and (5) A sustainable peasant seeds system is strongly supported by enabled advisory frameworks of Civil Society Organisations. EARLY ANDINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES 1. 1100 Improved Policies # Governments: Global Actors: # Cases of (sub) national governments or global actors adopting/implementing improved gender sensitive promoting small scale producers landrights <(>&<)> access to water (following Oxfam/partners actions) 2. 1400 Improved Policies: # of cases where Oxfam/partners influenced the Governments or global actors in adopting/implementing policies on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and (iii) Climate Change with a gendersensitive lens. 3. 1440 Increased Citizen Voice: # of people (M/F) take action on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and (iii) Climate Change with a gender sensitive lens following Oxfam/partners actions. 4. 1420 Strengthened CSOs: # or national CSOs increasingly participate in or initiate influencing and advocacy efforts on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and (iii) Climate Change with a gender sensitive lens. 5. 1520 Strengthened CSOs: # CSOs influencing and advocating on farmers freedom to operate, positively strengthen innovation plant breeding and promote plant genetic diversity and Farmers Rights (as defined in ITPGRFA)contributing to the right to food. CAFOB'S PROJECT CONTRIBUTION The main contribution of Cafob in this project is to amplify the women's voice into policy changes to make them more gender sensitive in matters regarding accessto land, gender in action, and making gender visible.


Burundi Climate Change Adaptation & Sustainable Energy Project


The impacts of climate change on agriculture and surrounding ecosystems are projected to result in serious socio-economic implications for the 456,640 people living in Rutana Province. Economic models suggest that Burundi could lose over 2% of its GDP each year due to climate change related losses by 2030, and an even greater proportion thereafter.  Drought scenarios show significant monetary losses for Burundi from crop loss and damage on yearly basis.  Smallholders will be the most affected group due to their lack of assets to buffer shocks and limited access to the information, new technologies, finance, and government services needed to undertake adaptive actions. In response to these climate change threats, integrated adaptation measures are needed to enhance the resilience of the landscape in Rutana Province, which will sustain the agricultural production and enable sustainable growth of the region in a manner that reduces poverty, increases resilience, and achieves food security. The project’s objective is to lead to a paradigm shift in land management practices from reliance on landscapes that are degraded, fragile and unable to sustain livelihoods. The intervention will restore ecosystem function and build community resilience to enhance livelihoods, food, and water security of the most vulnerable rural population. The project outcomes that will result in the achievement of this objective are:  Outcome 1: Strengthened awareness of climate threats and risk-reduction processes; Outcome 2:  Strengthened adaptive capacity for FFPO’s and reduced exposure to climate risks. Outcome 3. CSO are strengthened to advocate for international, regional national CC commitments implementation In order to achieve the three objectives, the project will pursue an integrated resilience approach that is adaptive and able to support transformation and innovative processes. The project’s Theory of Change shows how degraded and climate sensitive landscapes will be transformed by adaptive land management practices and technologies to build resilience of agro-ecological systems and livelihoods. 


Burundi elections crisis: Refugees Protection Goods


The aim of this project is to better prepare the reintegration of returning refugees and internally displaced persons through the protection of their property, and so contribute to the promotion of peaceful coexistence between resident populations and returning refugees .


The project informs community leaders and stimulates them to acknowledge and protect property of refugees. An inventory of the goods of refugees is made and the property is protected. Volunteers and community leaders are trained in peaceful coexistence.

Target Groups

664 leaders of the UC and leaders of the communities Kirundo and Makamba are trained in peaceful coexistence and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Within those two communities 13 secretaries will be formed to resolve conflicts peacefully.

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